Welcome to KJM5903 this autumn

Dear KJM5903 participant - or potential participant,

KJM5903 will run this autumn, but we have limited teaching staff available and needs to do some careful planning to make it work for everybody. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate if you plan or consider to follow KJM5903 this autumn send me a short e-mail. I will then better be able to ensure that you get the best possible teaching and that things goes smoothly. My e-mail address is j.p.omtvedt@kjemi.uio.no.

Please also keep in mind that we require everybody to have KJM5903 - Radiation Protection - prior to taking KJM5912. KJM5903 runs from the start of the semester until end of September. KJM5912 runs from October until mid December.

Both courses build on KJM3900 - Radioactivity. If you do not have this course from before you should enroll in KJM4900 (a MSc-level clone of KJM3900) and take that in parallel with KJM5903 and KJM5912. 

The first lecture for KJM503, will be on Monday 29th of August at 09:15 in VU49 (seminar room Gleditsch). Notice that this week we run an intensive course in Radiation Protection that also constitute a major part of KJM5903. You can find the schedule for this first part of the course here. The red block indicate the the obligatory part for KJM5903. 

Publisert 17. juni 2022 13:04 - Sist endret 17. juni 2022 13:30