Teaching - time and place

Registration: by email to studieinfo@kjemi.uio.no or at Student Administration Office VU20 at Department of Chemistry in the period 01.06.2011-18.08.2011. It is possible to register for a module after this period if the module goes and there are still vacant places. This must be done between 23th of August and 1st of September except for module 1 (NMR) where the absolute deadline is 18.08.2011. On the "Semester plan" page you will find when each module is given. Some teachers give out the informations for their modules on the "Modules description" page when they have it ready. Some teachers contact students before the module starts to inform them about the teaching.


The following modules will be given for the Fall 2011. Read informations about time and place at the semester plan and module description on the modules page (will come soon). The most modules start on thursday and finish in 2 weeks.

Module 1: NMR

The module is active in the period Thursday September 1st until Wednesday September 14th. No teaching in September 2nd. Meet the first day at 09:00 in room ?338.

Frode Rise, Dirk Petersen

Module 2: Electrical measurements

Truls Eivind Norby

Module 4: Preparation and testing of micro-LC columns

Elsa Lundanes

Module 7: Micro-LC-UV

Elsa Lundanes

Module 11: Micro LC column switching system

Elsa Lundanes

Module 9: XPS

Martin Fleissner Sunding

Module 15: Micro LC-MS

Elsa Lundanes

Module 19: Analysis/fractionation and speciation of water samples

Rolf David Vogt, Marita Clausen

Module 20: Dekomponering i mikrob?lgeovn

Grethe Wibetoe, Anne-Marie Skramstad

Module 25: SEM

H?st 2011 g?r SEM-modul i pediode uke 39-46.

Ragnar Strandbakke

Module 28: Str?levern

Jon Petter Court Omtvedt

Module 31: Statistisk fors?ksplanlegging

Finn Knut Hansen

Module 30: HMS and laboratory safety.

Vidar Bendik Christopher Blekastad

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 13:24 - Sist endret 5. sep. 2011 19:01