Module 1 NMR more information.

On Monday January 29th you must be present all the time the teaching happens.  Depending upon the number of students you will be divided in morning and afternoon groups. On Tuesday January 30th some lectures will be held starting at 10.15 AM. On Wednesday half of you work in the morning session in the nmr-laboratories and the other half in the afternoon.

You cannot attend the course if certain health conditions exist. You cannot have a pacemaker implanted. You also cannot have other medical devices in your body.  If you have been in a war zone either as a civilian or as a soldier and has been in combat situations and got iron shrapnel from grenades or similar and they still reside in you body you cannot attend. The iron parts might start moving in the magnetic fields and harm you seriously. 

If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during the course you should not get close to a  magnet but let another person add and remove samples for you.  There is no evidence of harming an unborn child by the magnetic fields - but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Publisert 24. des. 2017 09:47 - Sist endret 24. des. 2017 09:47