
Publisert 4. juni 2018 07:37

Hi all, 

You may now find the exam with suggested solutions under "Extra Reseources".



Publisert 30. mai 2018 18:11

Hi all, 

Towards the end of our meeting today, there were some interest for a final "oracle" tomorrow.  Therefore, there will be a final meeting tomorrow (at the usual venue, and usual time) to work and discuss problems before the exam.  




Publisert 28. mai 2018 12:49

Matematisk fagutvalg evaluerer MAT2400 dette semesteret.  G? inn p? nettside med adressen under for ? v?re med:



Publisert 24. mai 2018 14:58

Hi all, 

The exam is coming up shortly, and I won't post any more problems on the web-page.  Instead I encourage everyone to review the mandatory assignments and problem sets 1-4 thoroughly (off course, if you want more problems, you can just dig out earlier exam problems).  

In case you have questions or would like to come to work on problems during the last week, I will be at the usual venues on Tuesday and Wednesday the 29th and 30th.    



Publisert 14. mai 2018 14:01

Hi all, 

Starting this week there will be no ordinary plenary exercises on Tuesdays.  However, you can come both Tuesdays and Fridays to get help with problems or to ask questions.   




Publisert 11. mai 2018 07:39

Hi all, 

If you are done with repetition problems I and II,  there are some more suggestions for the group today, following the link "weekly exercises". 

Publisert 2. mai 2018 14:02

Hi all, 

The problems for the first problem session tomorrow has now been posted on the web page, under the heading "Material from the lectures". 

Also, the syllabus has been updated so that it matches what we have been able to cover.  What I consider most important out of this will be covered by the repetition problems and discussions during the next weeks. 




Publisert 30. apr. 2018 10:03

Hi all, 

On Wednesday May 2rd, we will finish the ordinary lectures covering the topics of the course.  Throughout the rest of May we will then have repetition classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the usual time and place. This will be organised as follows: Before class I will post exercises that I consider particularly relevant.  You will then first have the time to work on the problems during class, we will be several teachers there to help you, and then we will discuss (some of) the problems.  

It is very important that all of you, if you have the opportunity, show up for this and participate actively.  As we all know, the course is relatively hard, but with 4 more weeks of hard active work, we should be able to digest the topics.  

See you there!




Publisert 20. apr. 2018 07:07


Plenumsregning er avlyst i dag 20 april. 




Publisert 13. apr. 2018 13:04

Hi all, 

For our final topic, Fourier Analysis, we are going to use a version of Chapter 9 which is based on Riemann integration.  You can find a link to the chapter under "Extra Resources" on the web page.  




Publisert 13. apr. 2018 12:59

Hi all, 

On Tuesday April 17. the exercise session is moved to auditorium 4, because of some other activity taking place at our usual venue.  




Publisert 11. apr. 2018 07:25

The upcoming week you will have the opportunity to work with the mandatory assignment on Tuesday (17th), and we will move the plenary exercises to Friday.


Publisert 10. apr. 2018 07:55


Jeg minner om at det ikke er noen forelesning i morgen 11. april. 




Publisert 27. feb. 2018 14:55

Hi all, 

A typo has been fixed in Problem 4.  The roles of x and y were wrong in the definition of \Lambda_n.  This did not have any consequence for 4b) - only for 4c).  



Publisert 23. feb. 2018 13:59

Hi all, 

The upcoming week you will have the opportunity to work with the mandatory assignment on Tuesday (27th), and we will move the plenary exercises to Friday.


Publisert 21. feb. 2018 15:13

Hi all, 

I just made a clarification in the statement of Problem 2.  



Publisert 9. feb. 2018 13:29

On the upcoming Wednesday (the 14th of February), we will review some of the topics we have covered so far by reviewing some old exams.  You will find which ones by looking at the schedule, and a link to the exam texts can be found on the course web page.  

Have a good week end, 



Publisert 29. jan. 2018 09:45

I have made a page under "Plenary exercises" where there will be linked polls where you can vote on which exercises you want to see on the plenary exercise session.

There was a previous version of the poll, where one could only vote for one problem, it has now been reset and it is possible to vote on several options.

Bernt Ivar

Publisert 25. jan. 2018 20:20

The course book is still not available at Akademika, so the online version has been updated to include chapter 4.  



Publisert 18. jan. 2018 15:24

I just talked to Akademika, and the book has not yet arrived.  I will therefore publish Chapter 3 on the course web-page later today.  



Publisert 18. jan. 2018 15:23

On Tuesday 23 you are invited to solve exercises for, and review, Chapter 2 at the usual venue for plenary exercises.   

