
Publisert 18. aug. 2022 19:25

Here is the problem sheet and the solution to today's exam.


Publisert 22. juni 2022 11:11

The Student Council at the Department of Mathematics evaluates various courses given by the Department of Mathematics each year, and this semester MAT2400 is among the chosen. We therefore hope that you would take the time to answer the evaluation by using the link below. All answers are anonymous and the evaluation should take about 10 minutes to complete.

MAT2400 -

?The link is also sent out on e-mail. Thank you for contributing to the improvement of education at the Department of Mathematics!

Publisert 13. juni 2022 12:19

We have now completed the grading of the exam, but it may still take some time before the individual grades are available in the system. The results were rather depressing with the following grade distribution: 

A: 6

B: 11

C: 6

D: 15

E: 5

F: 25

This gives a failing rate of 36.8% (the official one may be even higher as it also counts students who withdrew during the exam).

There are probably several factors contributing to the miserable results. One is that problem 4 turned out to be harder than I expected beforehand, another that many of the candidates seemed to be lacking in exam training: A lot of points were lost on sloppy calculations, missing arguments, and failures to communicate (some of the papers gave the impression of candidates mumbling to themselves instead of trying to communicate their thoughts to others).

The attendance (of lectures as well as p...

Publisert 1. juni 2022 19:12

Here is the problem set (with the misprint corrected), the solutions, and the grading instructions for the exam.

Publisert 27. mai 2022 16:49

The exam is a traditional paper-and-pen school exam at Silurveien (check the exam page for more precise information about where and when). You are not allowed to bring any material on the exam (no textbook, no notes, no calculator, no computer), but the problem sheets will (like some previous years) contain a short list of formulas and definitions. The exam is based on the lectures, the weekly problems, and the mandatory assignments, and I don’t think there is anything on it that will come as a surprise if you have followed the course regularly.

You will write the exam on three layer carbon sheets (?gjennomslagspapir?). The two top layers are for the graders, the bottom one is for you to keep. It is important that you use a pen and not a pencil, and if you need to delete some material, just scratch ...

Publisert 20. mai 2022 13:49

If you are in need of more problems, I have created a page with links to old trial exams and deferred exams, most of them with solutions.


Publisert 18. mai 2022 21:44

You will find a description of the syllabus for the exam here:


Publisert 9. mai 2022 15:15

Here is the solution to the second mandatory assignment

Publisert 9. mai 2022 14:42

We are now a bit behind schedule, and as I want to keep my promise of using the three last lectures for review, we have to cut down on something. Here is the new plan: I complete section 6.5 on Taylor's formula, then skip 6.6 on partial derivatives and go straight to section 6.7 on the Inverse Function Theorem (we don't need partial derivatives for this). Then I'll round-off the course by talking about the Implicit Function Theorem in the final dimensional case (i.e. in the form of Corollary 6.8.3). I'll hope to be able to this in the lectures of May 11th and 16th (and perhaps a little bit of 18th) and then use the rest of the lectures for review.


Publisert 5. mai 2022 11:00

If you have questions about the feedback on your assignment, feel free to come by the exercise session on Monday. My plan for Monday is the following:

1. First I will talk a few minutes about the most common pitfalls in the mandatory assignemt.
2. Then we go through some of the weekly exercises (per request), as usual.
3. Then it will be possible to get indivdual help and here you can ask about the feedback to the assignment.

Also: I may have told some of you that in exercise 3c) you should show that <,> is an inner product. I see now that the exercise is phrased so that this is assumed. Sorry about that!


Publisert 31. mars 2022 13:26

The second mandatory assignment is now available. There are three problems: Problem 2 and 3 is based on material we have already covered. Problem 1 you should be able to do after the lecture on Monday, April 4th.

Publisert 17. mars 2022 12:23

I just discovered that there is no teaching in MAT2400 next week due to midterm exams in other courses. (This is a recurring surprise every time I teach the course). The schedule will be adjusted accordingly, and we shall probably have to cut some of the material on Fourier analysis to finish on time.


Publisert 7. mars 2022 09:24

Plenumsregningen i dag (7. mars) m? dessverre avlyses.


Publisert 4. mars 2022 15:23

We have now completed the grading of the first mandatory assignment.

Publisert 3. mars 2022 15:57

 ... is available here.

Publisert 21. feb. 2022 15:09

There is now a page called "Exercise sessions" under "Problems" on the main page, where I will try to post my sketches (when they exist). Also, if you for some reason can't go to the exercise sessions feel free to come by my office (715) to ask questions. I will at least try to be there 14:00-15:00 every Mondary.

(There are of course also still the digital solutions: Canvas and mail. Zoom can also be a possibilty sometimes.)


Publisert 16. feb. 2022 11:51

I got covid-19, and it is very likely that I also had it on Monday. So, watch out for symptoms if you were at the exercise session.



Publisert 15. feb. 2022 22:22

As there have been a lot of questions about the mandatory assignment, I shall spend some time at the beginning of the lecture discussing (but not solving!) the problems.


Publisert 14. feb. 2022 10:24

Some statistics people stole our room. If you want some help you can come to NHA UE26 instead. 

Publisert 12. feb. 2022 15:52

Unfortunately, this lecture (12.15-14) will also be digital and prerecorded. It is already available on the "Reports from the lectures"-page.

Publisert 7. feb. 2022 20:56

Wednesday February 9th we are back in Auditorium 5.

Publisert 7. feb. 2022 16:55

A few messages:

  1. If I post some solution sketches I will do it in the schedule. (I will probably not post all solutions every week.)
  2. It seems like the majority want mixed sessions ( = presentation of solutions followed by individual help), so we will do this.


Publisert 7. feb. 2022 11:59

It now seems that the technical problems are solved (I haven't had time to check), and we shall try a physical lecture in room 108, NHA.



Publisert 7. feb. 2022 09:34

Mandatory assignment 1 is now available here. It is due at 14.30 on Thursday, February 24th. The problems are based on the curriculum up to and including section 3.3, and if you are on track, it should be possible to start working on the problems immediately. (En liten trykkfeil rettet i andre linje av oppgave 2: Q er rettet til O.)

Note that there is a new regime for the mandatory assignments this year....

Publisert 6. feb. 2022 09:23

It is now clear that the lecture Monday, February 7th, is moved to Room 108 in the Niels Henrik Abel Building. This is a much smaller room, but should be large enough if the turn-out is as before. According to the plan, we shall be back in auditorium 5 on Wednesday. The lecture will be zoomed and recorded as usual (given that the equipment in 108 is working).

UPDATE MONDAY MORNING: I have now checked the equipment, and the electronic pen in 108 is not functioning. If this is not fixed before 12, the physical lecture will be replaced by recorded lectures.
