
Publisert 18. aug. 2023 14:18

The resit exam with suggestions for solutions have been posted under Resources.

Publisert 16. aug. 2023 16:16

So far 9 (out of 60!) have asked for a new evaluation of their exam.

That is a right every student has. However it might not continue to be provided if the system is abused. The point of the right is to be open to the possibility that in exceptional cases a mistake has been made by the sensors. The point is not to open for a speculation that a few extra points here and there, as judged by different eyes, will nudge the final mark up.

Publisert 23. juni 2023 12:02

The grading of this year's exam is finished. The statistics is as follows:

  • A: 15
  • B: 10
  • C: 4
  • D: 7
  • E: 6
  • F: 18

Compared with last year the failing rate (30%) is somewhat better, and in line with the 5 year average. However the number of good grades is significantly better! The number of As (25%) is fantastic. What happened? The exam was not easier than before. Please give your interpretations in the "Course evaluation", to help us understand. 

The minimum number of points required for each grade was:

A: 91, B: 75, C: 55, D: 42, E: 35.

However, in borderline cases, an overall judgement was also applied. 

Publisert 16. juni 2023 09:03

The Student Council at the Department of Mathematics evaluates various courses given by the Department of Mathematics each year, and this semester MAT2400 is among the chosen. We therefore hope that you would take the time to answer the evaluation by using the link below. All answers are anonymous and the evaluation should take about 10 minutes to complete.


?The link is also sent out on e-mail. Thank you for contributing to the improvement of education at the Department of Mathematics!

Publisert 8. juni 2023 09:44

Today (june 8th) I am launching my new book:

The event takes place at Norsk Taiji Senter at 19:00. Kirkegata 3.

The facebookpage is here:

You are all welcome!

Publisert 2. juni 2023 21:44

I have posted the exam with suggestions for solutions under Resources.

Publisert 22. mai 2023 14:57

I have posted a final syllabus under resources.

Publisert 10. mai 2023 14:29

Under "Lectures" I have posted which exams will be gone through in the remaining lectures. Please come prepared! You learn so much more from an exercise if you have thought about it beforehand, without looking at a solution.

Publisert 8. mai 2023 13:42

Suggestions for solutions have been posted under Resources.

Publisert 2. mai 2023 11:41

The curriculum for the exam consists of those sections in the book and in the leganto notes that have been covered in the lectures (third column here). Or the equivalent lectures.

Publisert 11. apr. 2023 17:03

The second mandatory assignment has been posted.

Publisert 10. apr. 2023 18:19

This lecture is cancelled!

Publisert 17. mars 2023 18:31

(continuation of previous msg)

Tom Lindstr?m has written alternative versions of the concerned chapters: a short version of chapter 6 and a new version of chapter 9. These chapters are available under the link "Pensum/litteratur i Leganto".

Publisert 17. mars 2023 18:24

There are now 5 weeks left of regular lecturing (the plan is to have 2 weeks of recap after that).

The important topics left are the study of Fourier series (ca. 2 weeks) and some differential calculus including especially the inverse function theorem (ca. 2 weeks). I will cover the former based on Riemann integration, which is assumed known from before (as opposed to Lebesgue integration, as in Spaces). I will cover the latter based on an elementary (coordinate based) theory of derivation in Euclidean spaces ie R^n (as opposed to differentiation of functions between general normed vector spaces in which no choice of basis has been made).

Thus the choice is to consolidate known techniques rather than to introduce new abstractions. You will learn Lebesgue measure later, in MAT3400. The coordinate free approach to differentiation (which is really pretty) can be learned as a self study.

(continued in next msg)

Publisert 17. mars 2023 13:26

Will be posted week 15 and should be handed in week 17.

The first exercise will, here too, be a reflexion diary: three weeks of diary in the same format as for Mandatory assignment 1 (covering weeks 13, 15, 16) AND a synthesis note of at least 4 sentences.

Publisert 16. mars 2023 17:35

I (SHC) will have a meeting with the student representatives next week. Please contact them if you have any information you want to forward anonymously to me.

Publisert 3. mars 2023 13:42

I have discussed technical solutions with the administration and come to the conclusion that the easiest way for everyone is that you upload the comments/selfevaluations as  comments to your first upload/attempt, in the comments section on the right side in Canvas.


Publisert 2. mars 2023 16:00

I have posted suggested solutions for the mandatory assignment 1. With the help of these suggestions you are asked to correct your own assignment. You are then asked to hand in your assignment again, before Thursday March 09, 14:30, in Canvas. Your selfevaluation will count as Exercise 2 in the assignment.


The technical solution in Canvas should be up and running in a few days.

Publisert 10. feb. 2023 11:10

This page might be useful.


Publisert 9. feb. 2023 12:16

It has been posted under Resources. Good luck!

Publisert 31. jan. 2023 16:15

I have opened two discussion groups in Canvas. Please use them!

Publisert 27. jan. 2023 17:19

All the essential information about the lectures and exercises will be given here.

Publisert 24. jan. 2023 16:41

For each week write 4 sentences. Write something about what you found most interesting and something about what you found most challenging. Keep these notes for later: one of the exercises of the compulsory exercises will be just to include this little diary.

Also I plan to make self evaluation of the compulsory exercises part of the game.

Publisert 13. jan. 2023 14:06

The lectures will be given in English. The semesterpages from 2022 point to some resources for translations between Norwegian and English. See in particular the short list and the long list.

Publisert 11. jan. 2023 16:07

The syllabus has been quite stable the last years and I don't plan to depart in any significant way from the tradition. I have posted links to relevant teaching material from two previous years.