The group on tuesdays

Some of you asked me about a zoomlink to the group today 0815-1000. Today this group was physically only and not on zoom. My plan was to use the group tuesdays for one-one questions to the teacher, and not for solving the exercises in its entirety on the blackboard - this is something I will do every thursday anyway. 

You don't have to be in the group at 0815 - you can come by and ask questions any time before 1000. If still many of you would like a possibility for zoom on the groups tuesdays, please send me an email. If many of you do so, we will set up zoom for the groups on tuesdays as well. We will then see how the one-one format works when people are both on zoom and in the auditorium.

If we use zoom for next week's group, I will announce it here, and we will use the same zoomlink as for the lectures.


Publisert 25. jan. 2022 10:25 - Sist endret 25. jan. 2022 10:27