
Publisert 24. nov. 2005 14:51

The OBLIG/COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT can now be picked up at the office in the 7th floor in the math building. If your OBLIG was not approved, please hand in a corrected version no later than noon on Monday the 28th.

Publisert 7. nov. 2005 13:25

OBLIG/COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT : Please hand this in, either directly to me this week (45) or at the office in the 7th floor in the math building, no later than 2:30 PM (14:30), Friday November 18th

Publisert 7. nov. 2005 13:24

I have made some changes in the syllabus again. Next week there will be no classes.

Publisert 13. okt. 2005 13:37

OBLIG (COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT) : MAT 4500 Exam 14/12-2004 : Problems 1,2,3a. Please hand in no later than november 17th.

Publisert 11. okt. 2005 13:23

A few more changes in the syllabus

Publisert 27. sep. 2005 16:51

In problem 2.11, the family consisting of all finite intersections of sets of the form U(x,O) is a basis for the topology.

Publisert 27. sep. 2005 13:15

I have made a few changes in the syllabus.

Publisert 6. sep. 2005 11:28

An English version of our text, "Topological spaces et cetera" with exercises, is available under Teaching material (Pensum/l?ringskrav). Check back weekly for further chapters and exercises.

Publisert 26. aug. 2005 16:37

I have added a few more exercises for next week. See the syllabus (=detaljert undervisningsplan). I have also decided that exercise classes will be on Wednesdays and lectures on Thursdays.

Publisert 26. aug. 2005 15:58

The course has been moved to :

Wednesdays 10.15-12.00 : Auditorium 3, Vilhelm Bjerknes Thursdays 14.15-16.00 : Auditorium 2, Vilhelm Bjerknes

Notice also the change in time.

Publisert 26. aug. 2005 15:12

All students requiring English translations of their exam papers must report this using "StudentWeb" before September 15th.