Oblig 2: lab oppgave

Experiments in the lab will take place on wednesday 25th october. There are 3 time slots available: 08-10, 10-12, 12-14. For each time slot, there can be up to 3 groups registered at once, i.e. one group per experimental module. Groups should have no more than 4 students (ie 4 students is ok, 5 is too many).

You have until Monday at the end of the lecture to register. After this time, we will assign you to a group. You register on the following google document:


Comments / feedback / questions / discussion: write by mail to all the three of us a once: jean.rblt@gmail.com, acarlson@math.uio.no, awalaa@math.uio.no

Publisert 19. okt. 2017 09:49 - Sist endret 28. feb. 2023 14:46