
Publisert 2. juni 2015 10:51


Last oil is given on Thursday, 12-13, B91.

We also set up the individual times of exam.

Publisert 29. mai 2015 15:02

There is an error in the hand-written notes.
Korn's inequality is as follows:

||eps(u)||^2 \ge C  ||u||_1


||eps(u)||^2 \ge C  ||u||_0


Publisert 24. mai 2015 16:03

Q&A session.


Publisert 18. mai 2015 08:30


Topics for the exam can be found here.

Publisert 26. apr. 2015 18:33

The analytical solution had wrong sign. 

Publisert 20. apr. 2015 14:00

The lecture notes have been updated, see here.

Publisert 20. apr. 2015 11:41

The second mandatory exercise can be found here.

Publisert 20. apr. 2015 09:46

Notes on linear elasticity can be found here.

Publisert 16. apr. 2015 09:44

Lecture April 16 is cancelled because of sickness. April 21 we finailize the subject 'iterative methods'. April 24 we discuss 'linear elasticity', which
 is the remaining part of the course.

Publisert 15. apr. 2015 22:41

Multigrid is presented here. A somewhat more advanced
 presentation of iterative methods and preconditioning
 can be found here. Some new codes are put here

Publisert 12. apr. 2015 17:03


There will be no exercise on Tuesday. The lecture on Thursday concerns more on iterative methods

Publisert 8. apr. 2015 09:28

Have a look here. In particular the chapter "Crash course in Sobolev spaces" as well as the streamwise diffusion norm has
 been updated.

Publisert 7. apr. 2015 12:02

Let me know if this date is problematic.

Publisert 6. apr. 2015 23:36

We start on the subject "iterative methods".

On April 9 we go through the exercises 8.1 to 8.3.

Publisert 18. mars 2015 18:26

The lecture tomorrow is cancelled.

We go through the mandatory exercise March 24.


Publisert 4. mars 2015 21:40

Tuesday we consider the exercises 7.1-7.5

Thursday we continue with Navier-Stokes equations.

Publisert 1. mars 2015 12:08

Tuesday, March 3, the exercise will be used to answer questions concerning the mandatory exercise. Thursday, we start with Navier-Stokes equations, based on this review.

Publisert 27. feb. 2015 11:06


The mandatory exercise is update.

Publisert 22. feb. 2015 19:01

The first mandatory exercise can be found here.

Publisert 22. feb. 2015 13:58

On Tuesday we consider the exercises 6.1-6.4.

On Thursday we finnish the convection diffusion problem (Chap 6) and start on Stokes problem (Chap 7). We also summarize what we have done so far.

Publisert 14. feb. 2015 14:29


Feb 17 we will start on the convection-diffusion.

Exercise Feb 19 is cancelled.

Additional reading material is here and here.

Publisert 5. feb. 2015 21:17

Codes for exercises  are here. You must help me fix them.

After the crash course these last few weeks, we will start on Chap 2 and 3 next time and review the concepts.

Exercises next week: 4.5-4.8. Bring laptops and be prepared.

Publisert 28. jan. 2015 08:34

The lecture will be on Thursday and exercise on Tuesday.

Bring your laptops to the exercise.

We will consider Gibbs phenomenon and start on the exercise 3.1-3.4.


Publisert 19. jan. 2015 17:18

Preliminary lecture notes can be found here.

Publisert 19. jan. 2015 11:20

The lectures are postponed one week because of the
winter-school at Geilo.