Data Science Day

When: Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

Where: Vilhelm Bjerknes Hus, Moltke Moes vei 35, Oslo


Continuing the success of last year, and to celebrate the arrival of the first group of students in the Data Science Master Program, we wish you welcome to the Data Science Day 2018 at the University of Oslo.
As part of this year's event, we have two very interesting speakers: Valery Yundin, Data Engineer in the Community Integrity Team at Facebook, and Valeria Vitelli from the University of Oslo and the BigInsight research centre. Mr. Yundin is going to talk about industry scale data science at Facebook, and Ms. Vitelli will show how Bayesian recommender systems can be utilised in medical research.
This will be an event for everyone, whether you are familiar with data science practices, or you simply are curious what data science is all about.

The event is free, open for all audiences above the age of 18, and requires no registration. However, our premises cannot host more than 200 persons, so you better make sure you get there in time! There will be served some food, snacks and soft drinks, and you can also buy beer or wine.

Publisert 29. sep. 2018 15:42 - Sist endret 13. mars 2023 14:13