Tips til neste oblig

Tips til neste oblig basert p? besvarelsene til oblig 1:

- Answer ALL sub-questions that are asked.
- Write your answer concisely and do not make it unnecessarily long.
- Do not mix the order of questions
- Make sure that your figures and tables are in the right place. In Latex, you can for example use \usepackage{float} … \begin{figure}[H] to prevent that a figure ‘flies around’ in the document.
- It’s okay that you attach the whole R-code in the attachment, but you also have to put the relevant R-code and the output in relevant questions.
- When you put the R-code/output in the document, do not just paste it as a plain text. Use proper display options such as {verbatim}.
- Obtaining $\hat{\alpha}$ by multiplying $X^T$ on the both side of the equations is not how ‘least squares’ is defined. You have to find $\hat{\alpha}$ that minimizes $(Y-X\beta)^T (Y-X\beta)$.

Publisert 20. feb. 2017 12:16