
Publisert 14. nov. 2018 15:47

... can be found here. They will be solved in the lectures next week, so it is a good idea to look at them beforehand.

Other old(er) exams can be found here. Note that the curriculum has changed a lot the past few years. Therefore, some of the old exercises may not be as relevant today. Also, parts of the current curriculum are not covered by the old exercises. 

Publisert 5. nov. 2018 22:20

Unfortunately the lecture Wednesday November 7th is cancelled. Please see the schedule page for further information about the changes in the remaining lectures.

Publisert 1. nov. 2018 15:34

... at today's lecture can be downloaded here.

Publisert 25. okt. 2018 10:24

... is available in Norwegian and English. You have two weeks to complete the assignment, and you hand it in via Devilry.

The deadline is Thursday November 8th at 14.30.

Good luck!

Publisert 19. okt. 2018 09:45

... will be posted next Thursday, 25th of October.

You have two weeks to complete the assignment. The deadline is Thursday November 8th at 14.30. You hand in your assignment via Devilry, just like for mandatory assignment 1. 

Publisert 12. okt. 2018 19:39

In the last part of Exercise 5.5, when computing I_B^3 for p_i=p, I=1, ..., 5, I by mistake wrote a 2 where there should have been a 4. This created an error throughout the remaining part of the exercise. The correct expression is I_B^3 = 2p^2(1-p)^2.

If you plot this and compare with the expressions for I_B^j, j = 1, 2, 4, 5, you will find that components 1, 2, 4 and 5 are more important than component 3 w.r.t. the Birnbaum measure of reliability importance (like we found for the Birnbaum measure of structural importance).

Sorry about the mess-ups, and thank you for correcting me! Next time I'm sick, I'll cancel the lecture instead of screwing up so much. :-)

Have a nice weekend!


Publisert 12. okt. 2018 11:10

The lecture on Thursday, October 18 will be about the software program Riscue. This program can be downloaded from this webpage and is needed in the second mandatory assignment. Note also that the blackboard in room 819 has now been replaced, so from now on the Thrusday lectures will take place in this room.

Publisert 5. okt. 2018 10:51

... is moved to room 1119 in the Niels Henrik Abel building (because the new blackboard has still not been mounted in our regular room 819).

Publisert 20. sep. 2018 07:27

... can be found in Norwegian here and in English here.

Good luck!

Publisert 19. sep. 2018 16:17

Truls will be your student representative for the course. If you have some comments or concerns regarding the course which you do not want to discuss directly with Arne or me, you can contact him. His email address is:


Publisert 13. sep. 2018 14:44

... will be posted on the course web page in the morning of Thursday 20th of September. You have two weeks to complete the assignment. The deadline is October 4th at 14.30 PM.

Your submission should be your own work and reflect your understanding of the subject, but you are allowed to discuss and collaborate with your fellow students. 

If you are taking the course as STK3405, you may write by hand (but can use LaTex if you want to). If you are taking it as STK4405, you must write in LaTex. 

The assignment is handed in via Devilry. You log in using your UiO username and password. Once logged in, it should be clear how to upload and submit your assignment. Please check that you are able to do this in plenty of time before the deadline. If you have any problems, please contact Kristina, Arne or the administration (

If you are taking the course as STK3405 and choose to w...

Publisert 30. aug. 2018 15:03

Notes from the lectures used in week 35 can be downloaded here. Solutions to the exercises can be downloaded here.

Publisert 28. aug. 2018 11:41

Note that there is an exercise session on Thursday. We strongly recommend that you try to do the exercises in advance!

See Timeplan for information about which exercises will be solved on Thursday.

Publisert 23. aug. 2018 10:54

... is 819, NOT 1020 as I said by mistake at yesterday`s lecture. Sorry about the misunderstanding!

See you in room 819 at 12.15.


Publisert 14. aug. 2018 10:32

The first STK3405 lecture of the semester is August 22. from 14.15-16.00 in room 1020, NHA building. The lecture plan for the first few weeks has been posted under Timeplan. It will be updated regularly throughout the semester. Information about the curriculum, including a pdf for download, can be found under Pensum/L?ringsplan. If you have any questions, please contact either one of us.

See you soon! 

Kristina (, room 1008, NHA building)

Arne (, room 1006, NHA building)