
Publisert 17. jan. 2022 09:33

Solutions to the exam in December are now available. The full set can be found here, and the solutions are available here.

Publisert 6. des. 2021 13:19


Som f?lge av smittesituasjonen og endringer i nasjonale og regionale r?d og regler har Universitetsdirekt?ren besluttet ? midlertidig tillate egenmelding ved frav?r fra eksamen med fysisk oppm?te. Beslutningen gjelder fra 03.12.2021 til 01.02.2022. For eksamener som krever fysisk oppm?te ved UiO vil det ikke v?re n?dvendig ? legge ved dokumentasjon p? frav?ret. Dette gjelder alle skoleeksamener i Silurveien, samt muntlige og skriftlige eksamener som krever fysisk framm?te p? campus. Du skal s?ke om gyldig frav?r p? vanlig m?te ved bruk av nettskjema, men for eksamener med fysisk oppm?te, trenger du alts? ikke legge ved dokumentasjon. Se UiOs nettside "Sjuk p? eksamen / utsett eksamen for mer informasjon: /studier/eksamen/sykdom-utsatt/


Publisert 29. nov. 2021 12:39

As announced the final exam in the course will take place at Silurveien 2 Sal 4D, December 17, 09:00 - 13:00. The exam will be an ordinary written exam. In particular, note that the Inspera-system for digital exams will not be used!

Publisert 26. nov. 2021 14:05

Next week's lectures will be done through Zoom. For meeting IDs and access codes see the lecture schedule or contact Arne Bang Huseby

Publisert 23. nov. 2021 21:56

As you may have noticed, the video lectures from last year are no longer available. The reason for this is that we are not allowed to publish video clips without subtitles. Still, since all the essential contents can be read from the slides shown in the clips, the video lectures can be useful even without subtitles. Thus, as a temporary solution, we have decided to make the clips available at an external webserver. Links to the video lectures can be found here. We apologize for the inconvenience the missing subtitles may cause.

Publisert 8. nov. 2021 14:01

We have now completed all the ordinary lectures for this semester. In the remaining lectures we will present solutions to old exams. Since the exam is very late this year (December 17th), we have decided to postpone the remaining lectures so that they will be given closer to the date of the exam. This will give you a chance to solve the exam problems yourself before the solutions are presented. Note also that all the solutions are available as notes posted in the lecture schedule. Thus, if you do not want to wait until the solutions are presented in the lectures, you can check out the notes whenever you like. See the lecture schedule for further details.

Publisert 14. okt. 2021 14:49

The second mandatory assignment is now available here. The deadline for the assignment is October 28, at 14:30. Good luck!

Publisert 1. okt. 2021 09:33

Unfortunately, I have to cancel today's lecture as I have become ill (not Covid-19!). I have revised the schedule for the course so that we will make up for the lost time. The main topic of today's lecture was supposed to be reliability of directed and undirected networks. This topic is now rescheduled to Wednesday, October 6th. For those of who would like a preview of this lecture, you can watch the video lecture from last year covering most of this. This video lecture can be found here. (Sorry, no subtitles!)

Publisert 8. sep. 2021 15:11

The student representative this semester will be Sigurd F?reid Fladby

Publisert 7. sep. 2021 15:23

The lecture on Friday 10, will be digital. Lecture notes to this lecture can be found here: Lecture notes. Recorded video clips can be found here: Lecture 5 part 1Lecture 5 part 2Lecture 5 part 3.

Publisert 1. sep. 2021 14:08

The deadline for the first mandatory assignment is at Thursday, September 16, at 14.30. This is two weeks earlier than usual, so the assignment has been adapted to fit the current stage of the lectures. Formally, the assignment will be released through Canvas tomorrow morning, but you may already find it here.

Publisert 23. aug. 2021 08:01

This semester we hope that most of the lectures will be given in a physical form. This week, however, the lecture on Friday 27, will be digital. Lecture notes to this lecture can be found here: Lecture notes. Recorded video clips can be found here: Lecture 2, part 1Lecture 2, part 2Lecture 2, part 3.

Publisert 27. mai 2021 14:11

Dersom smittesituasjonen f?r et omfang som gj?r at deler av samfunnet m? stenge igjen utover h?sten, s? kan det bli aktuelt ? erstatte skriftlig skoleeksamen med skriftlig hjemmeeksamen eller muntlig eksamen i dette emnet.