
Publisert 13. des. 2023 07:57

Hopefully, you all made it through the final exam. Solutions to the problems can be found here. I wish you all a very happy holiday!

Publisert 19. nov. 2023 21:12

Last year's exam without solutions is available here. A version which includes solutions to the problems is available here. Good luck with the exam!

Publisert 9. okt. 2023 11:05

Since we did not have time to go through Section 6.3 last week, and this section is very much needed for the last part of the mandatory assignment, this section will be covered in the lecture on October 10th. In this lecture we will also go through some exercises that we have not had time for earlier. This means that we need to make some other changes to the lecture schedule as well. In particular, the lecture on October 17th which was previously cancelled, will given at the usual time and place. An updated schedule is available.

Publisert 5. okt. 2023 07:20

The mandatory assignment is now available here. NB! Note that some last minute changes have been made today, so make sure that you have downloaded the most recent version of the assignment. In the assignment we consider an undirected network system. A pdf-file of this system can be found here. Links to this file as well as four python scripts are given in the assignment. If you have difficulty downloading the files directly from the assignment, the python scripts can also be downloaded here:, ...

Publisert 29. sep. 2023 08:02

The topics for two lectures next week has been switched. This is done so that the theory needed for the mandatory assignment can be presented on Tuesday, October 3, before the mandatory assignment is published on Thursday, October 5. Also note that the lecture on Friday, October 6 will be given in the form of a video. The video will be available at the beginning of the week. The lecture notes for both lectures are available through the schedule page.

Publisert 26. sep. 2023 11:05

Linda Bergheim is elected as student representative for the course.

Publisert 17. aug. 2023 00:05

We wish you all welcome to this year's lectures in the course STK3405/4405. The most recent version of the textbook can be found here. Most of the teaching this year will be given as ordinary lectures in Auditorium 2, Vilhelm Bjerknes Hus. A complete schedule for all the lectures with links to lecture notes and various python scripts can be found here. Note, however, that the first two lectures (August 22 and August 25) will be given in the form of recorded videos (with subtitles). The videos for August 22 can be found here (part 1)here (part 2), ...