
Publisert 15. nov. 2017 09:54

This is the last lecture. We will go through the rest of the exam from 2016, as well as the exam from 2014

Publisert 9. nov. 2017 12:55

- Lectures: Summary of the curriculum.

- Exercises: 6.25, Exam from 2016.

Publisert 1. nov. 2017 13:27

- Lectures: Go through the solution to the obligatory assignment.

- Exercises: 6.7-6.10,6.12-6.13,6.24-6.25.

Publisert 24. okt. 2017 20:15

You may now check in Devilry whether you have passed the obligatory assignment or not. You have also received some comments to their reports, that I encourage you to read. If you have not passed, you have a second chance to hand in an improved report within November 7 at 12:00.

Publisert 24. okt. 2017 12:57

- Lectures: Section 6.3.

- Exercises: 5.32-5.36, 6.5-6.6.

Publisert 17. okt. 2017 13:02

- Lectures: 6.2.

- Exercises: 5.24-5.31.

Publisert 10. okt. 2017 14:08

- Lectures: Section 5.6.

- Exercises: 5.15-5.18,5.22-5.23.

Publisert 3. okt. 2017 14:07

- Lectures: Sections 5.4 and 5.5

- Oppgaver: 3.34-3.36,5.7-5.8.

Publisert 3. okt. 2017 14:00

The obligatory assignment is now available. Note that the deadline is October 17 at 12:00, and that you have to hand in your report via the Devilry system (see earlier message about this). 

Publisert 26. sep. 2017 16:38

- Lectures: Section 5.3.

- Exercises: 3.18-3.21,3.23-3.24,3.30-3.33.

Publisert 19. sep. 2017 14:55

- Lectures: Remains of Sections 3.5 and Section 3.6.

- Exercises: 3.6-3.13,3.16,3.17.

Publisert 12. sep. 2017 13:24

- Lectures: Sections 3.4 and 3.5.

- Exercises: 7.12,7.15, 3.1, 3.3-3.9.

Publisert 8. sep. 2017 11:27

From autumn 2017 all mandatory assignments must be uploaded to Devilry. 

  • The assignment must be submitted as a single PDF file. 
  • Scanned pages must be clearly legible. If these two requirements are not met, the assignment will not be assessed, but a new attempt may be given.
  • The submission must contain your name, course and assignment number. 

Read the information about assignment carefully.

Publisert 6. sep. 2017 15:15

- Lectures: Sections 3.2 and 3.3.

- Exercises: 2.21,2.22,2.28,2.29,2.31,7.9-7.12,7.15.

Publisert 29. aug. 2017 13:47

- Lectures: Sections 2.5 and 7.3.

- Exercises: 2.5-2.6, 2.10-2.12, 2.18-2.20.


Publisert 25. aug. 2017 09:35

- Lectures: Finish 2.2, as well as 2.3 and 2.4.

- Exercises: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.8 and 2.9.

Publisert 14. aug. 2017 14:08

- Lecture: The plan is to go through some information about the course, and then Chapter 1 of the book and start on Chapter 2.

- Exercises: No exercises this week.