Exam notes (update 18:04)

Task 1E: use lambda given in the exercise and the estimate of mu from 1A


Task 2A: the current age is 60


Task 3A: what is the formula for the general formula for a call option premium

Task 3B: it is not enough to give the end result, you need to show how you arrive at the Black-Scholes formula



Task 1 in general: in the introduction it should be Var(Z) and median(Z)


Task 2A: probability of surviving to age X given that the person is already of age X is 1

Task 2B: consult the formula from the book to determine when the contributing period ends.

You don't have to repeat the computations for men and women, you can draw conclusions based on the probabilities alone.



Task 2B: the formula for the value of the insurance policy consists of two part, in the exercise you should calculate one of them



Task 3D: follow the pay-off formula given in this problem

Publisert 15. des. 2020 16:11 - Sist endret 15. des. 2020 18:04