Exam, parts I and II, June 2015

As previously announced & explained, this course will have a two-part exam. Part I, "The Project", will be made avaiable via this site on Wed June 3, before noon. You need to hand in your project report by Mon June 15, at 13:00, or any time earlier, to the Mathematics department's administration office at the 7th floor, *in duplicate*. 

Part II is a four-hour exam, taking place at Thu June 11 (see separate information regarding the precise time and location). This is a no-book exam, but you are allowed to bring with you *one sheet of paper*, hand-written or machine-made, with your own notes (only one side of the paper, not both).

Please do contact Nils if you encounter any practical problems with any of this.

Publisert 3. juni 2015 00:32