
Anbefalt litteratur


Ruyter, F?rde og Solbakk (2013) Medisinsk og helsefaglig etikk. 3. utgave, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, kap. 1-3.

Nortvedt P. (2016) Omtanke – innf?ring i sykepleiens etikk. 2. utgave, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, kap. 2, 3 og 4.


1. Hva er etikk? Profesjonsetikk, rolleforst?else og dydsetikk


Holland, Stephen. “The virtue ethics approach to bioethics”. Bioethics 25.4 (2011): 192

Andre anbefalte:

Holm, S?ren. “Who should decide the content of professional ethics”. The Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy 3 (2011)

NOU 2016:13: Samvittighetsfrihet i arbeidslivet. s. 11-12, s. 91-100, s. 125-137, s. 142-144. Fulltekst

Heidenreich K. (2001) Empati i lege-pasientforholdet – teknikk eller etikk? Tidsskr nor legeforen 121, 1507-11.

Heidenreich K. (2004). Hva leger ser og ikke ser – moralsk persepsjon i lege-pasientforholdet. Tidsskr nor legeforen. 124(3), 369 – 72

Vetlesen A.J. (2001) Profesjonell og personlig – legerollen mellom vellykkethet og s?rbarhet, Tidsskr nor legeforen 121, 1118-21

Neumann, M., et. al. (2011) Empathy decline and its reasons – A systematic review of studies with medical students and residents. Academic Medicine, 86(8).

Eikeland H.L. et. al (2014) The physician’s role and empathy – a qualitative study of third year medical students. BMC Medical Education 14, 165.

Pedersen, R. (2010). Empathy development in medical education – A critical review. Medical Teacher 32(7): 593-600.

2. Pliktetikk, konsekvensetikk og 4-prinsippetikken


Magelssen M. & Pedersen R. Hva er etikk? I: Etikk i psykiske helsetjenester (l?rebok), red. R Pedersen, P Nortvedt, Gyldendal Akademisk, utgis 2017.

Gillon, Raanan. "Ethics needs principles—four can encompass the rest—and respect for autonomy should be “first among equals”." Journal of medical ethics 29.5 (2003): 307-312.

Andre anbefalte:

Gillon, Raanan. "Medical ethics: four principles plus attention to scope." Bmj 309.6948 (1994): 184.

Holm, S?ren. "Not just autonomy--the principles of American biomedical ethics." Journal of Medical Ethics 21.6 (1995): 332-338.

Tallis, R. Should the law on assisted dying be changed? Yes. BMJ 2011;342:d2355

McPherson, T. My mum wanted assisted dying but we watched her die slowly and in pain. BMJ 2012;344:e4007

George, R., Finlay, I., & Jeffrey, D. Legalised euthanasia will violate the rights of vulnerable patients. BMJ 2005 331(7518), 684.

Materstvedt, L.J. (2012). Intention, procedure, outcome and personhood in palliative sedation and euthanasia. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2(1), 9-11.

Holm, S?ren. "Euthanasia: agreeing to disagree?" Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13.4 (2010): 399-402.

3. Diskursetikk og kasuistikk


Johansen, K.E. & Vetlesen, A.J. Innf?ring i etikk. Universitetsforlaget 2000. Kap. 7-9.

F?rde, R. (2016) Pasientinformasjon i eit etisk perspektiv. I: Festskrift til Aslak Syse.

Andre anbefalte:

Dresser, Rebecca. "Dworkin on dementia: elegant theory, questionable policy." Hastings Center Report 25.6 (1995): 32-38.

Elwyn G, Edwards A, Kinnersley P, Grol R. Shared decision making and the concept of equipoise: the competences of involving patients in healthcare choices. Br J Gen Pract. 2000 Nov 1;50(460):892-9.

Holm S. Justifying patient self-management–evidence based medicine or the primacy of the first person perspective. Medicine, health care and philosophy. 2005 Aug 1;8(2):159-64.

Moulton B, King JS. Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision‐Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2010 Mar 1;38(1):85-97.

Lipstein EA, Brinkman WB, Britto MT. What is known about parents' treatment decisions? A narrative review of pediatric decision making. Medical Decision Making. 2011 Oct 3:0272989X11421528.

Ross, L. F. (1997), Health Care Decisionmaking by Children. Is It in Their Best Interest?. Hastings Center Report, 27: 41–46.

4. Begrepenes etikk og helsetjenestens grenser: Sykdom, helse og teknologi


Hofmann B. Helse, sykdom og kampen om 'det gode liv'. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. 1999(1):74-80.

Andre anbefalte:

Hofmann B. Perspectives on human malady: disease, illness, and sickness. In: Solomon M, Simon J, Kincaid H, eds. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine. London: Routledge; 2016

Hofmann B. Disease. In: ten Have H, ed. Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics: Springer International Publishing; 2015:1-8.

Hofmann B. Suffering: Harm to bodies, minds, and persons. Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine. Berlin: Springer; 2015.

Oftestad, E. Vi lager barn. Frekk forlag 2016. (bok, 203 s.)

5. Styrker og svakheter ved de ulike etiske teorier


Nortvedt, P. (2006). Etisk teoridebatt ??– forholdet mellom lojalitet og rettferdighet i helsefag, I. Etikk for helsefagene, Sletteb? og Nortvedt, red: Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk forlag.

Arras, John, "Theory and Bioethics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),

Andre anbefalte:

Hoffmann WA. Benefit-Sharing. In: H. Ten Have (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_38-1

Solbakk JH, Vidal SM. Clinical Research in Resource-poor Settings In: H.A.M.J. ten Have, B. Gordijn (eds.), Handbook of Global Bioethics, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2512-6_102,

Leger uten grenser. Lives on the edge: Time to align medical research and development with people's health needs.

Persad G.C. & Emanuel E.J. (2016) The ethics of expanding access to cheaper, less effective treatments. The Lancet 388, p. 932–934

Solbakk JH, Vidal S & Holm S. (2016) Trickle down ethics. Upublisert manuskript. 4 s.

Publisert 24. nov. 2016 17:12 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2016 17:27