Syllabus/achievement requirements

Course book

Laake P., H.B. Benestad and B.R. Olsen. Research in Medical and Biological Sciences - From Planning and Preparation to Grant Application and Publication (2nd Edition). Amsterdam (2015): Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc.

It is recommended to read the entire book before the course starts, and the following chapters are mandatory reading: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12.

The book is available in the following formats:

Print version: ISBN: 9780127999432. The book is normally available at the Akademika bookstore in Domus Medica.

Online version: An online version of the book can be accessed from The book can be accessed free of charge from the UiO network.

Kindle edition: A Kindle version of the book is available on


Other required reading


PhD programme at the Faculty of Medicine:


Other readings

Biomedical laboratory Research:

Haakon B. Benestad & Jens-Gustav Iversen: An introduction to biomedical laboratory research, 1999


Theory of science, research ethics and science ethics:

Hofmann, Bj?rn; Holm, S?ren; Iversen, Jens Gustav Heber. Philosophy of Science. In: Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences. London: Elsevier 2007. ISBN 978-0-12-373874-5. p. 1-32

Holm, S?ren. Ethics and Scientific Conduct. In: P Laake, HB Benestad and B Olsen: Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences. London: Elsevier 2007. ISBN 978-0-12-373874-5. p. 33-52.

Iversen BG, Hofmann B, Aavitsland P. Questions on causality and responsibility arising from an outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in Norway. Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 2008; 5: 22. doi:10.1186/1742-7622-5-22

Hofmann, B. That's not science! The role of moral philosophy in the science/non-science divide. Theor Med Bioeth. 2007;28(3):243-56.

Hofmann B, Holm S, Myhr AI: Scientific dishonesty—a nationwide survey of doctoral students in Norway. BMC Medical Ethics 2013 14:3.


Other useful resources

PhD on track (PhD on Track is a resource for PhD students who are beginning their research career, and who want to learn more about information- and literature for research purposes, and
about how to publish research.)

Sage Research Methods (Find resources to
answer your research methods and statistics questions)

Publisert 12. des. 2019 14:35 - Sist endret 12. des. 2019 14:35