Anbefalt litteratur


Oral patologi

Regezi, Sciubba, Jordan
Oral Pathology: Clinical pathologic correlations, 7th ed. 2017

Det orale ?kosystem

Marsh, Martin
Oral Microbiology 5th ed. 2009
Dahlen, Fiehn, Olsen, Dahlgren
Oral microbiology and Immunology 2012
Degre, Hovig, Rollag
Medisinsk mikrobiologi, 3 utg. 2010


Lamont, Hajishengallis
Oral Microbiology and Immunology, 2nd ed. 2013

Ferdighetstrening og biomaterialer

Pickard`s Manual of Operative Dentistry 9th ed. 2011
Fejerskov, Kidd
Dental Caries. The disease and its clinical management, 2nd ed. 2008
Lindhe, Lang
Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 6th ed. 2015
Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation and advanced root instrumentation 7th ed. 2013


Anusavice, Kenneth J. Phillips' Science of Dental Materials. 12th edition. Elsevier. 2013. ISBN: 9781437724189.

Location in the Library (Faculty of Dentistry): WU 190 Phi'13

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Link to ebook

Supplementary literature

*Craig, Rober & Powers, John. Restorative Dental Materials. 12th edition. Elsevier. 2012. ISBN:0323014429.

Location in the Library (Faculty of Dentistry): WU 190 Cra'12

Location of book in other Libraries

Link to ebook

Summitt, James B. and Robbins, J. William and Schwartz, Richard S. Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry. A Contemporary Approach. Third Edition. Quintessence books. 2006. ISBN: 0867154527.

Location in the Library (Faculty of Dentistry): PBL WU 300 Fun'06

Location of book at other Libraries


Pedodonti og atferdsfag

Willumsen T., Myran, L., Lein, J. (red). Odontologisk psykologi. Gyldendal. 2018. ISBN 978-82-05-51079-1

Fire gode vaner, e-l?ringsprogram

Diverse faglitteratur lagt ut i Canvas


Oral radiologi

White and Pharoah
Oral Radiology. Principles and Interpretation 6th ed. 2009
Oral radiologi 2008


Wenzel et al.
Str?ledoser, str?leskader, str?lebeskyttelse: en orientering for tandl?gestuderende og personale i tandl?gepraksis 2011

Klinisk unders?kelse

Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine and Treatment Planning 2nd ed. 2002
Publisert 26. nov. 2019 11:13 - Sist endret 26. nov. 2019 11:13