
* betyr at artikkelen finnes i artikkelsamling som selges p? Kopiutsalget, Gnist Akademika:

1. Store moduler

1.1. Perspektiver p? internasjonalisering og globalisering

Amin, A. og Thrift, N. 1997. Globalization, Socio-Economics, Territoriality. I R. Lee and J. Wills (red.) Geographies of Economies. Arnold, London, New York, Sidney, Aukland, s.133-147.15 sider.

Dicken, P., Peck, J. og Tickel, A. 1997. Unpacking the Global. I R. Lee and J. Wills (red.) Geographies of Economies. Arnold, London, New York, Sidney, Aukland, s. 147-157. 10 sider.

* Dunning, J.H.1998. Location and the Multinational Enterprise: A Neglected Factor? Journal of Business Studies, 29, 1, s. 45-66. 22 sider.

Garrett, G. 2000. Global Markets and National Politics. I D. Held, and A. McGrew (red.): The Global Transformations Reader. Polity Press, s. 301-319, 18 sider.

*Harvey, D. 2000. Contemporary globalization. Kapittel 4 i Spaces of Hope, s. 53-73, 20 sider.

Held, D. 2000. Regulating Globalization I D. Held, and A. McGrew (red.): The Global Transformations Reader. Polity Press, s. 420-431, 11 sider.

Held, D. and McGrew, A. 2000. The Great Globalization Debate: An Introduction I D. Held, and A. McGrew (red.): The Global Transformations Reader. Polity Press, s. 1-45. 45 sider.

Hirst, P. and Thompson, G. 2000. Globalisation ? a Necessary Myth? I D. Held, and A. McGrew (red.): The Global Transformations Reader. Polity Press, s. 68-75, 7 sider.

Sassen, S. 1996. Whose city is it? Globalization and the formation of new claims. Public culture, 8, 2, ?18 sider.

Sassen, S. 1996: Service employment regimes and the new inequality. I E. Mingione (red.): Urban Poverty and the underclass. Oxford: Blackwell s. 64-82. 19 sider.

*Storper, M. 1997: The Regional World. Kapittel 9: The World of the City: Local Relations in a Global Economy. S. 221-259. 39 sider.

1.2. Byers indre differensiering

Ulikhet, polarisering og sosio-?konomisk segregasjon

*Bruegel, I. 1996. Gendering the Polarisation Debate: A Comment on Hamnett. Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes. Urban Studies, vol. 33, s. 1431-1439. 8 sider.

*Burgers, J. 1996. No polarisation in Dutch Cities? Inequality in a Corporatist Country. Urban Studies, vol. 33, s. 99-105. 7 sider.

*Davis, M. 1997. Fortress L.A. I R.T Legates og F. Stout (red.): The City Reader. London og New York, Routledge, s. 158-163. 6 sider.

*Hamnett, K: Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes, 1996. Urban Studies, vol. 33. s. 1407-1430. 24 sider.

Sassen, S. 2000: Cities in a World Economy. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, kapittel 6-7, s. 117-144. 28 sider.

*Wessel, T. (2000): Social polarisation and socio-economic segregation in a welfare state: The case of Oslo. Urban Studies, vol. 37, s. 1947-1967. 21 sider

Etnisk segregasjon og integrasjon av innvandrere

*Blom, S. 1999. Residential concentration among immigrants in Oslo. International Migration, 37, 3, 617-641. 25 sider.

*Jonassen, C. 1949. Cultural values in the ecology of an ethnic group. American Sociological Review, s. 32-41. 10 sider.

*Peach, C. 1997. Pluralist and assimilationist models of ethnic settlement in London 1991. Tijdsschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88, 2, s. 120-134. 15 sider.

*Zhou, Y. (1998): How do place matter. A comparative study of Chinese Ethnic Economics in Los Angeles and New York City. Urban Geography, vol. 19, s. 531-53. 23 sider


*Hamnett, K. 1991. The blind man and the elephant: the explanation of gentrification. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. N.S., vol. 16, s. 173-89. 17 sider.

*Smith, N. 1996. Local arguments: From consumer sovereignty to the rent gap. The New Urban Frontier. Gentrification and the revanchist city. Routledge, London og New York, s. 51-74. 24 sider.

*Warde, A. 1991. Gentrification as consumption: issues of class and gender. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, vol. 9, s. 223-232. 10 sider.

*Wynne, D. and O?Connor, J. 1998. Consumption and the Postmodern City. Urban Studies, vol. 35, s. 841-864. 24 sider

1.3 L?ring og innovasjon

Teoretiske perspektiver

Asheim, B.T og Isaksen, A. 1997. Regionale innovasjonssystemer - en teoretisk diskusjon. I A. Isaksen (red.) Innovasjoner, n?ringsutvikling og regionalpolitikk. H?yskoleforlaget, Kristiansand. (kap. 3) 27 sider

*Grabher, G. 1993. Rediscovering the social in the economics of interfirm relations, in Grabher, G. (ed) The embedded firm. On the socio-economics of industrial networks, Routledge London and New York. (pp.1-31) 31 sider.

*Lundvall, B. ?. 1995. The Learning Economy - Challenges to Economic Theory and Policy. Paper presented at the EAEPE-Conference in Copenhagen 27-29 October 1995. 23 sider.

*Perez, C. 2002. Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital. The dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages. Edwin Elgar, Cheltenham. Kapittel 2 og 3 (27 s).

Regional utvikling, innovasjon og innovasjonspolitikk

Haraldsen, T. 1997. Industrielle komplekser og nasjonale innovasjonssystemer. I A. Isaksen (red.) Innovasjoner, n?ringsutvikling og regionalpolitikk. H?yskoleforlaget, Kristiansand. (kap. 2) 25 sider.

Isaksen, A. 1997. Innovasjoner i geografisk perspektiv: en oversikt. I A. Isaksen (red.) Innovasjoner, n?ringsutvikling og regionalpolitikk. H?yskoleforlaget, Kristiansand, s. 128-148. 20 sider.

Isaksen, A. 1997. Mot en regional innovasjonspolitikk. I A. Isaksen (red.) Innovasjoner, n?ringsutvikling og regionalpolitikk. H?yskoleforlaget, Kristiansand, s. 210-240. 30 sider

Isaksen, A. og B.T. Asheim. 1997, Spesialiserte produksjonsomr?der og innovativ aktivitet. I A. Isaksen (red.) Innovasjoner, n?ringsutvikling og regionalpolitikk. H?yskoleforlaget, Kristiansand, s. 180-208. 29 sider

*MacKinnon, D. 2002. Learning, innovation and regional development: a critical appraisal of recent debates. Progress in Human Geography, vol 26, s. 293-311. (18 sider)

*Markusen, A. 1999. Sticky places in slippery space. A typology of industrial dustricts. I Barnes, T. og Gertler, M.S (red.). The New Industrial Geography. Routledge. (29s.)

*Maskell, P. og Malmberg, A. 1999. Localised learning and industrial competitiveness. Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 23, 167-185. (18 sider)

Onsager, K. og S?ther, B 2003. An ICT cluster in an old industrial town ? the case of Halden. Notat 28 s.

1.4 Byplanlegging

Byplanleggingens historie

Hall, P: Cities of tomorrow, 1996. Oxford: Blackwell . Side: 13-47, 87-187, 218-261 og 378-403.

B?rekraftig byutvikling

Ravetz, J : City Region 2020. Integrated planning for a sustainable environment, 2000. London: Earthscan. Side 63-188. 126 sider.

2. Sm? moduler

2.1 Bypolitikk og byers representasjon

*Cochrance, A. et al. 1996. Manchester plays games. Exploring the local politics of globalisation. Urban Studies, vol. 33, s. 1319-1336. 18 sider.

*Hubbard, P. 1996. Urban design and City Regeneration: Social Representations of Entrepreneurial Landscapes. Urban Studies, vol. 33, s. 1441-1461. 21 sider.

*Leitner, H. og Sheppard, E (1998): Economic uncertainty, inter-urban competition, and the efficacy of entrepeurialism. I T. Hall og P. Hubbard (red.): The entrepeneurial city. Geographies of Politics, Regime and representation. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York m.fl., s. 294-307. 14 sider.

*Ley, D. & C. Mills, C. 1993. Can There Be a Postmodernism of Resistance in the Urban Landscape. I P.L Knox (red.). The restless urban landscape. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff, N.J., s. 255-278. 24 sider.

* Lofgren, A. 2000. A thousand years of loneliness? Globalization from the perspective of a city in a European periphery. Geoforum, s. 501-511. 11 sider.

2.2 Kommunikasjon, mobilitet og infrastruktur

Graham, Stephen og Marvin, Simon : Splintering urbanism. Networked infrastructures, technological mobilities and the urban condition, 2001. London: Routledge. . Side: 7-16, 217-377, 379-403. 196 sider.

Publisert 19. mai 2003 10:28 - Sist endret 6. okt. 2003 12:36