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*Hansen,  A. & U. Wethal (2015) ?Emerging economies and challenges to sustainability? in Hansen,  A. & U. Wethal (eds) Emerging Economies and Challenges to Sustainability. Theories, strategies, local realities, Routledge, Oxon & New York, pp 3-18. 15s

@Human Development Report. 2013. The rise of the South. Chapter 2: A more global South. UNDP. 43-60. 17s.

@Sidaway, J. 2012. Geographies of Development: new maps, new visions? The Professional Geographer, 64 (1) 49-62. 13s.

45 sider

Endringer i verdens?konomien og fremveksten av BRICS

*Becker, U (ed). 2013. The BRICS and emerging economies in comparative perspective: Political economy, liberalisation and institutional change. Routledge. Kap.1. 30s.

@Kragelund, P. 2011. Back to BASICs? The rejuvenation of non-traditional donors’ development cooperation with Africa. Development and Change, 42(2): 585:607. 22s.

@Mawdsley, E. 2015. Development geography 1: Cooperation, competition and convergence between ‘North’ and ‘South.’Progress in Human Geography, August 27 2015, 1-10. 10 sider

62 sider

Internasjonal bistand og politiske endringer

@Carothers, T. (2009). Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental. Journal of Democracy, 20(1), 5-19. (15 s.)

*Chandler, D. (2008). Post-conflict statebuilding: Governance without government. I: M. Pugh, N. Cooper og M. Turner (red.), Whose Peace? Critical Perspectives on the Political Economy of Peacebuilding. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (s. 337-355, 18 s.).

@Mawdsley, E. 2012. The changing geographies of foreign aid and development cooperation: contributions from gift theory. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 37(2): 256–272.16s.

Stokke, K.; Stave, S. E.; Temesgen, A. og Soe Myint Aung (2017). Democracy Promotion through State Capacity Building? Norway’s Engagement in Environment and Natural Resource Management in Myanmar. Forum for Development Studies. Forum for Development Studies. (ca. 16 s.) (finnes p? Fronter)

65 sider

Arbeidsliv i endring

@Carswell, G. & De Neve, G.(2012). Labouring for global markets: Conceptualising labour agency in global production networks. Geoforum, (44): 62–70. 8s.

@Castles, S.2011. Migration, crisis, and the global labour market. Globalizations, 8(3): 311-324. 13s.

@Heintz, J. & Pollin, R.. 2003. "Informalization, economic growth and the challenge of creating viable labor standards in developing countries.", Political Economy Research Institute. Working Paper no. 60, 1-25. 25s.

*Wills, J. & Hurley, J. (2005). Action Research: Tracing the threads of labour in the global garment industry. In Wills, J. and Hurley, A. (eds) Threads of Labour: Garment Industry Supply Chains from the Workers' Perspective, Blackwell, Oxford. 69-94. 25s.

71 sider

B?rekraftige investeringer i S?r. Eksempler fra utvinningsindustri

@Campell, B. 2012. Corporate Social Responsibility  and development in Africa: Redefining the roles and responsibilities of public and private actors in the mining sector. Resource Policy 37 (2012) 138-143. 5 sider.

@Haufler, V. 2010. Disclosure as Govermamce: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and Resource Management in the Devloping World. Global Environmental Politics, 10(3): 53-73. 20 sider

@Hilson, G. 2012. Corporate Social Responsibility in the extractive industries: Experiences from developing countries. Resources Policy. Volume 37 (2), June 2012, 131–137. 6 sider.

@OECD. 2016. Development Cooperation Report .2016. The Sustainable Development Goals as business opportunities. Chapter 6. Promoting sustainable development through responsible business conduct. 119-135. 16 sider.

@Ovadia, J.S. 2016. Local content policies and petro-development in Sub-Saharan Africa. A Comparative Analysis. Resource Policy. Volume 49. September 2016. Pages 20-30. 10 sider.

@Prince, R. 2012. Policy transfer, consultant and the geographies of governance. Progres in Human geography (36(2): 188 – 203. 15 sider

72 sider

Nyliberalisme(r) – i forholdet mellom internasjonal og lokal politikk

*Didier, S., Morange, M., & Peyroux, E. (2012). City improvement districts and ‘territorialized neoliberalism’ in South Africa (Johannesburg, Cape Town) (p. 119-136) i Mayer, M., & Künkel, J. (Eds). Neoliberal Urbanism and Its Contestations –Crossing Theoretical Boundaries. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 17 sider

@Larner, W. (2003). Neoliberalism?. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space21(5), 509-512.4 sider

@Oldfield, S., & Stokke, K. (2007). Political polemics and local practices of community organizing and neoliberal politics in South Africa. Contesting Neoliberalism, 139-155. In: Leitner, H., Peck, J., & Sheppard, E. S. (Eds.). Contesting neoliberalism: Urban frontiers. Guilford Press. 16 sider

*Peet, R., & Hartwick, E. (2009). Neoliberalism in economic policy (p 98-118). In; Theories of development: Contentions, arguments, alternatives. Guilford Publications. 20 sider

@Sheppard, E., & Leitner, H. (2010). Quo vadis neoliberalism? The remaking of global capitalist governance after the Washington Consensus. Geoforum,41(2), 185-194. 9 sider

66 sider

Menneskerettigheter som utviklingsstrategi?

@Gibbs, M. 2005. The right to development and indigenous peoples: Lessons from New Zealand World Development, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2005, Pages 1365-1378. 13 s.

@Jaichand, V. & Sampaio, A. A. 2013. Dam and Be Damned: The Adverse Impacts of Belo Monte on Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, Human Rights Quarterly, 35 (2): 408-447. 39 s.

@Nelson, P. J.(2007. Human Rights, the Millennium Development Goals, and the Future of Development Cooperation. World Development 35(12): 2041-2055. 14 s.

@Simmons, B. 2009. Mobilizing for Human Rights. International Law in Domestic Politics. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 2: Why International Law? The Development of the International Human Rights Regime in the Twentieth Century, pp 23-56. 33 s. E-bok.

99 sider

Transformativ demokratisk politikk

*Heller, P. 2013. Participation and democratic transformation: Building effective citizenship in Brazil, India and South Africa. I: K. Stokke og O. T?rnquist (red.) Democratization in the Global South. The Importance of Transformative Politics, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 28s.

*Millstein, M. (2017). Rights, Identities and Belonging in Cape Town: Reflections on the everyday politics of urban citizenship. Norwegian Journal of Geography. (ca. 15 s.)

@Miraftab, F. og Wills, S. 2005. Insurgency and spaces of active citizenship: The story of Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign in South Africa, Journal of Planning Education and Research 25(2): 200-217. 12s.

*Stokke, K. 2014. Substantiating Urban Democracy: The Importance of Popular Representation and Transformative Democratic Politics. I: S. Parnell og S. Oldfield (red.), A Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South. London: Routledge. 10s. Tilgjengelig i Fronter.

65 sider

Lokalt styresett og deltagelse i by

@Beall, J. 2001. Valuing social resources or capitalizing on them? Limits to pro-poor urban governance in nine cities of the south. International Planning Studies, 6(4): 357-375. 18s. 

*Bénit-Gbaffou, C., & Oldfield, S. (2014). Popular mobilization and the politics of informality. The Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South, 281-297. 16s.

*Jaglin, S. (2014). Rethinking urban heterogeneity. The Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South, 434-447. 13s.

@Shatkin, G. 2007. Global cities of the South: Emerging perspectives on growth and inequality. Cities, 24(1): 1-15. 15s.

62 sider

Fattigdomsbekjempelse: fra teori til strategi

*George, V. & P. Wilding. 2009. Globalization and human welfare: why is there a need for a global social policy? Yeates, N. & C. Holden (eds). The global social policy reader. Policy Press, Bristol. Chapter 1.2. 7s.

BOK: Hanlon, J. et al. 2010. Just give money to the poor. The development revolution from the Global South. Kumarian, Sterling. Chapters 1-3 and 10. 64s.

Hesselberg, J. 2010. Becoming poor in Ghana. Notat. ISS, Oslo. 10 s. Tilgjengelig i Fronter.

Hesselberg, J. 2014. Fattigdom, utviklingsteori og -strategi. Notat. ISS, Oslo. 50s. Tilgjengelig i Fronter.

131 sider

Strategi for matsikkerhet

@Devereux, S. 2012. Social protection for enhanced food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Working Paper No. 10. UNDP, Regional Bureau for Africa, Dakar .18s.

Hesselberg, J. 2013. Small-scale farming and rural development in northern Ghana. Yaro, J.A. (ed.). Rural development in northern Ghana. Nova Science, New York. Chapter 6. 17s. Tilgjengelig i Fronter.

@Poole, N.D. et al. 2013. Commercialisation: A meta-approach for agricultural development among smallholder farmers in Africa? Food Policy . 41: 155-165. 11s.

@Wheeler, T. & J. von Braun. 2013. Climate change impacts on global food security. Science 341( 2): 508-513. 6s.

@Zoomers, A. 2010. Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: seven processes driving the current global land grab. Journal of Peasant Studies, 37(2): 429-447. 17s.

69 sider


I alt 762 sider





Publisert 18. okt. 2016 14:31 - Sist endret 10. mars 2017 11:29