
* = kompendium

@ = tilgjengelig p? internett


@Human Development Report. 2013. The rise of the South. Chapter 2: A more global South. UNDP. 43-60. 17s.

@ Doner, R.& Schneider, B.R. 2016. The middle-income trap: more politics than economics. World Politics, 68(4), 608-644. 36s 

@Sidaway, J. 2012. Geographies of Development: new maps, new visions? The Professional Geographer, 64(1) 49-62. 13s.

@World Development Report. 2019. The changing nature of work. 18-34. 16s. 

82 sider  

Endringer i verdens?konomien og fremveksten av BRICS

@Gray, K. & Gills, B.K.  2016.  South-South cooperation and the rise of the Global South. Third World Quarterly, 37(4), 557-574. 17s.

@Hansen, A. & Wethal, U. 2015. Emerging economies and challenges to sustainability. In Hansen, A. & Wethal, U. (eds) Emerging Economies and Challenges to Sustainability. Theories, strategies, local realities, Routledge, Oxon & New York, 3-18. 15s. (e-book Oria)

@Mawdsley, E. 2017. Development Geography 1: Cooperation, competition and convergence between ‘North’and ‘South’. Progress in Human Geography, 41(1), 108-117. 10s.

@Nayyar, D. 2016. BRICS, developing countries and global governance. Third World Quarterly, 37(4), 575-591. 16s.

58 sider

Utenlandske direkteinvesteringer som kilde til utvikling - debatter og erfaringer

@Masina, P. & Cerimele, M. 2018: Patterns of Industrialisation and the State of Industrial Labour in Post-WTO-Accession Vietnam, European Journal of East Asian Studies,1–36. 37s.

@Narula, R. & Driffiel, N. 2012. Does FDI Cause Development? The Ambiguity of the Evidence and Why it Matter. European Journal of Development Research, 24, 1–7. 8s.

@Taylor, I. 2016. Dependency Redux: Why Africa is not rising, Review of African Political Economy, 43(147): 8-25. 17s.

@World Bank 2017. Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/2018, kap 1, Overview, 1-14. 15s.

77 sider.

Menneskerettigheter og utvikling

@Nelson, P. J. 2007. Human Rights, the Millennium Development Goals, and the Future of Development Cooperation. World Development 35(12): 2041-2055. 14s.

@Simmons, B. 2009. Mobilizing for Human Rights. International Law in Domestic Politics. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 2: Why International Law? The Development of the International Human Rights Regime in the Twentieth Century, 23-56. 33s. E-bok.

@ Carmalt, J. C. 2017. For critical geographies of human rights. Progress in Human Geography 42(6), 847-861. 15s.

@ Langford, Malcolm (2016). Lost in Transformation? The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals. Ethics and International Affairs,  30(2),167- 176. 9s.

71 sider

Fremvoksende ?konomier og nye forbrukere

@ Gregson, N.& Ferdous, N. 2015. Making space for ethical consumption in the South. Geoforum 67, 244-255. 12s.

@Hansen, A. 2018. Meat consumption and capitalist development: The meatification of food provision and practice in Vietnam. Geoforum 93, 57-68. 12s.

@Hansen, A., Nielsen, K.B., & Wilhite, H.  2016. Staying cool, looking good, moving around: consumption, sustainability and the ‘rise of the South’.  Forum for Development Studies 43, 5-25. 20s.

@McEwan, C., Hughes, A. & Bek, D. 2015. Theorising middle class consumption from the global South: A study of everyday ethics in South Africa’s Western Cape. Geoforum 67, 233-243. 11s.

55 sider

Arbeidsliv i endring

Migrasjon og uformelt arbeid

@Carswell, G. & De Neve, G. 2012. Labouring for global markets: Conceptualising labour agency in global production networks. Geoforum, (44): 62–70. 8s.

@Castles, S. 2011. Migration, crisis, and the global labour market. Globalizations, 8(3): 311-324. 13s.

@Heintz, J. & Pollin, R. 2003. Informalization, economic growth and the challenge of creating viable labor standards in developing countries. Political Economy Research Institute. Working Paper no. 60, 1-25. 25s.

Jordhus-Lier, D. C. 2018. Informalization. In Kobayashi, A. (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsevier. Ca 10s. (Tilgjengelig i Canvas)

56 sider

Ulike former for regulering: CSR til nytte og besv?r

@Barrientos, S. & Smith, S. 2007. Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems. Third World Quarterly, 28(4): 713-729. 17s.

@Barrientos, S. 2013. Corporate purchasing practices in global production networks: a socially contested terrain. Geoforum, 44: 44-51. 7s.

@De Neve, G. 2009. Power, inequality and corporate social responsibility: the politics of ethical compliance in the South Indian Garment Industry. Economic and Political Weekly, 44(22): 63–71. 12s.

@De Neve, G. 2014. Fordism, flexible specialization and CSR: How Indian garment workers critique neoliberal labour regimes. Ethnography, 15(2): 184-207. 23s

59 sider

?konomisk utvikling og arbeidsforhold i Kina

@Chan, J.& Selden, M. 2017. The labour politics of China’s rural migrant workers. Globalizations, 14(2): 259-271. 12s.

@ Hardy, J. 2017. China’s place in the global division of labour: An uneven and combined development perspective.  Globalizations, 14(2): 189-201. 12s.

@Lüthje, B. & Butollo, F. 2017. Why the Foxconn Model does not die: Production networks and labour relations in the IT industry in South China. Globalizations, 14(2): 216-231. 15s.

@ Ngai Pun & Xiaomin Yu, X. 2008. When Wal-Mart and the Chinese dormitory labour regime meet: a study of three factories in China. China Journal of Social Work. 1:2: 110-129. 19s.

@ Yang, Y. & Gallagher, M. 2017. Moving in and moving up? Labor conditions and China’s changing development model. Public Administration and Development, 37:160-175. 15s.

73 sider

Endringer i internasjonal demokratist?tte

@Acharya, A. 2017. After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order. Ethics & International Affairs, 31(3), 271-285. doi:10.1017/s089267941700020x    15s.
@Carothers, T. 2009. Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental. Journal of Democracy, 20(1), 5-19.  14s.
@Carothers, T., & Samet-Marram, O. 2015. The new global marketplace of political change. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C.  28s.
@Hackenesch, C. 2015. Not as bad as it seems: EU and US democracy promotion faces China in Africa. Democratization, 22(3), 419-437. doi:10.1080/13510347.2014.1002476  15s.

72 sider

Internasjonalt fredsengasjement i endring

@Joshi, M., Lee, S. Y., & Mac Ginty, R. 2014. Just How Liberal Is the Liberal Peace? International Peacekeeping, 21(3), 364-389. doi:10.1080/13533312.2014.932065   25s.

@Karlsrud, J. 2018. From Liberal Peacebuilding to Stabilization and Counterterrorism. International Peacekeeping, 26(1), 1-21. doi:10.1080/13533312.2018.1502040   20s.

@Leonardsson, H., & Rudd, G. 2015. The ‘local turn’ in peacebuilding: a literature review of effective and emancipatory local peacebuilding. Third World Quarterly, 36(5), 825-839. doi:10.1080/01436597.2015.1029905   14s.

@Mac Ginty, R. 2010. Hybrid Peace: The Interaction Between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Peace. Security Dialogue, 41(4), 391-412. doi:10.1177/0967010610374312    21s.

80 sider

I alt 683 sider





Publisert 14. nov. 2019 12:53 - Sist endret 21. feb. 2020 10:17