Pensum/l?ringskrav h?sten 2019

Pensum best?r av b?ker, online artikler og en tekst som lastes ned fra Canvas.

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@ Abdul Khabeer, Su’ad (2016): Muslim Cool: Race, Religion, and Hip Hop in the United States. NY: NYU Press. (288 sider) 

@ Bielo, James S. (2015): The Anthropology of Religion: The Basics. London: Routledge. (192 sider).  

@ Engelke, Matthew (2007): A Problem of Presence: Beyond Scripture in an African Church. California University Press. (304 sider) 

@ Lambek, Michael, red. (2008): A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. FINNES SOM HEFTE HOS AKADEMIKA. 

Online artikler

Abu-Lughod, Lila 2016, “The Cross-Publics of Ethnography: The Case of “the Muslimwoman”. American Ethnologist Vol 43, No.4. pp 595-608.

Durkheim, E. (1915), “Definition of religious phenomena and of religion” chapter one in Durkheim, Elementary Forms of Religious Life. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. e-book

Engelke, M. (2015), “The coffin question: death and materiality in humanist funerals”, Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, 11 (1). pp. 26-48. 

Haynes, N. (2013), “On the Potential and Problems of Pentecostal Exchange”, American Anthropologist 115(1): 85-95. 

Keane, W. (2008), “The evidence of the senses and the materiality of religion”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14(1): S110-S127. 

Levine, H. (2011), “New Zealand’s Ban on Kosher Slaughtering”, Ethnology, 50(3), pp. 209-222. 

Lindquist, G. (2008), ?Loyalty and command: Exploring the dynamics of transformation”, Social Analysis, 52(1): 111-126. 

Mahmood, S. (2001), “Rehearsed spontaneity and the conventionality of ritual: Disciplines of salat”, American Ethnologist, 28(4), 827-853. 

Manning, Paul and Anne Meneley (2008), “Material Objects in Cosmological Worlds: An Introduction”. Ethnos 73(3): 285-302. 

Meyer, B (2010), “Aesthetics of persuasion: Global Christianity and Pentecostalism’s sensational forms”, South Atlantic Quarterly, 109(4), pp. 741-763. 

Naguib, Nefissa (2010),“For the Love of God: Care-Giving in the Middle East.” Journal of Social Sciences and Mission. Vol. 23/1. 

Ramzy, Carolyn M. (2017), “Singing Heaven on Earth: Coptic Counterpublics and Popular Song at Egyptian Mulid Festivals.” International Journal of Middle East Stud., 49(3): 375-394. Cambridge University Press 

Remme, Jon H. Z. (2017), ?The dyanmics of lennawa: Exchange, sharing and sensorial techniques for managing life substances in Ifugao”, Asiatische Studien – ?tudes Asiatiques, 71(1): 327-352.

Rudnyckyj, D. (2009), ?Spiritual economies: Islam and neoliberalism in contemporary Indonesia”, Cultural Anthropology, 24(1): 104-141. 

Street, A. (2010), ?Belief as relational action: Christianity and cultural change in Papua New Guinea”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 16, pp 260-278. 

Taneja, Anand Vivek (2015) "Saintly Animals :The Shifting Moral and Ecological Landscapes of North India". Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 35(2): 204-221. Duke University Press

Tomlinson, M. (2007), “The limits of meaning in Fijian Methodist sermons”, in M. Engelke and M. Tomlinson (eds.), The Limits of Meaning: Case Studies in the Anthropology of Christianity, New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 129-146. 

Willerslev, R. (2013), ?Taking animism seriously, but perhaps not too seriously?”, Religion and Society, 4(1), pp. 41-57. 

Publisert 2. mai 2019 16:25 - Sist endret 22. mai 2020 10:00