
BEGREPSDANNELSE OG GRUNNLAGSPROBLEMER: Rasjonalitet, relativisme, komparasjon, og metode

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Howell, Signe: “Reading Culture”: Or how anthropological texts create fielswork expectations and shape future texts.” i Eduardo P. Archetti (ed) Exploring the Written Anthropology and the Multiplicity of Wriring, 1994. Scandinavian University Press. s 317-336 (18 sider).

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Wilson, Richard A. : . "Human Rights, Culture and Context: An Introduction" i Wilson (red.) Human Rights, Culture and Context. Anthropological Perspectives, 1997. . London: Pluto Press. . (25 sider) .

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Talle, Aud: ”Kvinnelig omskj?ring som konvensjon” og ”Respekt og ansvar” i Kvinnelig omskj?ring . Debatt og erfaring, 2003 . Det Norske Samlaget . s 114- 139 (26 sider).

TEMAER I STUDIET AV SOSIALT OG KULTURELT LIV: Symboler, ritualer og verdensbilder

Turner, V. : "Symbols in Ndembu Ritual", i M. Gluckman (red.) Closed Systems and Open Minds, 1964. London: Oliver & Boyd . (27 sider) .

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Lévi-Strauss, C. : "The Science of the Concrete" i Lévi-Strauss The Savage Mind, 1966. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (32 sider) .

Ortner, S.B. : "On Key Symbols", 1973. American Anthropologist, 75 (11):. 1338-1346 (9 sider).

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Scheper-Hughes, N. og Lock, M.M.: "The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology", 1987 . Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series 1 (1):. Sidene 6-41 (36 sider).

Makt og vold

Wolf, E. : "Facing Power: Old Insights, New Questions" i R. Borofsky (red.)Assessing Cultural Anthropology. , 1994. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. . (10 sider) .

Krohn-Hansen, C. : "The Anthropology of Violent Interaction" , 1994. Journal of Anthropological Research, 50 (4):. Sidene 367-381 (12 sider).

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Former for differensiering: kj?nn, 'rase', etnisitet og nasjon

Ardener, S.: "A Note on Gender Iconography: The Vagina", i P. Caplan (red.) The Cultural Construction of Sexuality, 1987. London: Tavistock. (15 sider) .

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Trenger antropologer begrepet 'kultur'?

Abu-Lughod, L : : "Writing Against Culture" i Fox (ed.): Recapturing Anthropology, 1991. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press . Sidene 137 -162 (21 sider).

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VEDVARENDE DEBATTER: Perspektiver p? totemisme

Frazer, J. : Totemism and Exogamy i Totemism and Exogamy, 1910. Macmillian. Utdrag: Bind 1, sidene: 3-7 og 53-56. Bind 4, sidene 60-64.(13 sider ).

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Shore, B: : "Rethinking 'primitive classification' " (kap 7) og "Totem as Practically Reason: Rationally Reconsidered" i Shore(ed): Culture in Mind: Cognition, Culture and the Problem of Meaning, 1996. Oxford: Oxford University Press . Sidene 188 -204 og 167 -187 (38 sider).

Perspektiver p? forholdet mellom det naturlige og det sosiale

Eriksen, G. T. Hylland. : "Evolusjonspsykologiens alternativer" i Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 2000. Norsk Psykologforening . Sidene 1-16 (16 sider).

Mauss, M. : "Techniques of the Body", [1934] 1973. Economy and Society, 2 (1):. Sidene 70-88 (18 sider) .

Martin, E. : "The End of the Body?", 1992. American Ethnologist, 19 (1):. Sidene 121-140 (20 sider) .

Turner, T. : "Social Body and Embodied Subject: Bodiliness, Subjectivity, and Sociality among the Kayapo", 1995. Cultural Anthropology, 10 (2): . Sidene 143-170 (26 sider) .

Perspektiver p? forholdet mellom antropologi og historie

Thomas, N : "History and Anthropology", i Aland Barnard and Jonathan Spencer (red.) Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 1996. London: Routledge. Sidene 272-277 (5 sider).

Comaroff, John : "Images of Empire, Contests of Conscience: Models of Colonial Domination in South Africa", 1989. American Ethnologist, 16 (4):. Sidene 661-685 (21 sider) .

Gow, P. 1996Gow, P. : "River People: Shamanism and History in Western Amazonia", i Nicholas Thomas and Caroline Humphrey (red.) Shamanism, History and the State. , 1996. Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press. Sidene 90-113 (22 sider) .

Friedman, J. : "Myth, History, and Political Identity", 1992. Cultural Anthropology, 7(2):. Sidene194-210 (15 sider) .

Cohen, D.W., og Atieno Odhiambo, E.S : "Silences of the Living, Orations of the Dead: The Struggle in Kenya for S.M. Otieno's Body, 20 December 1986 to 23 May 1987", i Gerald Sider and Gavin Smith (red.) Between History and Histories. The Making of Silences and Commemorations, 1997. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Sidene 180-198 (16 sider) .

Publisert 26. apr. 2004 16:07 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2005 13:11