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Kompendium selges hos Kopiutsalget. Husk at gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises.

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Artikler i kompendium

Kompendium selges hos Kopiutsalget. Husk at gyldig semesterkort m? fremvises.


Rasjonalitet og relativisme

Levy-Bruhl, L.: "Utdrag" i J. Cazeneuve (ed.): Lucien Levy-Bruhl, 1972. Oxford: Blackwell. Sidene 33-45 og 85-87 (11 sider).

Evans-Pritchard, E.E.: "Introductory, Chapter I" og "Part I, Chapter I og IV" i Evans-Pritchard: Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande, 1937. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (47 sider).

Clifford, James: "Introduction: Partial Truths." i Clifford, James & George E. Marcus (eds.): Writing Culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography, 1986. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. s. 1-26.

Lewis, Gilbert: "Magic, Religion and the Rationality of Belief." i T. Ingold (ed.): Companion and Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 1994. London: Routledge. Sidene 569 - 590 (22 sider) .

Talle, Aud: "Kvinnelig omskj?ring som konvensjon" i Aud Talle (red.): Kvinnelig omskj?ring. Debatt og erfaring, 2003. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget . Sidene 114- 130 (16 sider).

Teori og metode

Howell, Signe: "Reading Culture”: Or how anthropological texts create fielswork expectations and shape future texts." i Eduardo P. Archetti (ed.): Exploring the Written Anthropology and the Multiplicity of Wriring, 1994. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. Sidene 317-336 (18 sider).

Wilson, R. A: "Human Rights, Culture and Context: An Introduction" i R.A. Wilson (ed.): Human Rights, Culture and Context. Anthropological Perspectives, 1997. London: Pluto Press. Sidene 1 - 27 (27 sider) .

Kuper, A.: "The Man in the Study, the Man in the Field: Ethnography, Theory and Comparison in Social Anthropology" i Archives Europeenne Sociologie, xxi , 1980. Sidene 14-39 (22 sider).


Symbolbruk i ritualer

Turner, V.: "Symbols in Ndembu Ritual" i M. Gluckman (ed.): Closed Systems and Open Minds, 1964. London: Oliver & Boyd. Sidene 20 - 51 (31 sider).

Geertz, C.: "Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight" i C. Geertz (ed.): The Interpretation of Cultures, 1973. New York: Basic Books. Sidene 412 - 453 (42 sider) .

Kapferer, Bruce: "The Ritual Process and the Problem of Reflexivity in Sinhalese Demon Exorcisms" i MacAloon (ed.): Rite, Drama, Festival, Spectacle, 1984. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues . Sidene 179 -207 (29 sider).

Kultur og symboler

Ortner, Sherry B.: "On Key Symbols" i American Anthropologist, 75 (11), 1973. Sidene 1338-1346 (9 sider).

Lakoff, G.: "Idealized Cognitive Models" i Chapter 4 in G. Lakoff (ed.): Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, 1987. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Siden 68-76.

Lakoff, G.: "Metonymic Models" i Chapter 5 in G. Lakoff: ff: Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, 1987. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Sidene 77-90. ARTIKKELN VIL LEGGES UT P? FRONTER.

Kognisjon og emosjon

Lévi-Strauss, C.: "Det konkretes vitenskap" i C. Lévi-Strauss: Den ville tanke, 2002 [1'962]. Oslo: Spartacus. Sidene 21–57.

Rosaldo, Michelle: "Toward an Anthropology of Self and Feeling" i Shweder, Richard and R. A. Le Vine (eds.): Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion, 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 137 - 157 (21 sider).

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy og Margaret Lock: "The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology" i Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, 1(1), 1987. Sidene 6-41 (36 sider).

Makt og motmakt

Wolf, Eric: "Facing Power: Old Insights, New Questions" i R. Borofsky (ed.): Assessing Cultural Anthropology, 1994. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. Sidene 218 - 228 (10 sider).

Lund, Sarah: "Bequething and Quest: Processing Personal Identification Papers in Bureaucratic Spaces (Cuzco, Peru)" i Social Anthropology: The Journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, 9:1, 2001. Sidene 3 - 24 (21 sider).

K?nn, etnisitet og nasjon

Ardener, S.: "A Note on Gender Iconography: The Vagina" i P. Caplan (ed.): The Cultural Construction of Sexuality, 1987. London: Tavistock. Sidenen 113-142 (15 sider).

Barth, F.: "Introduction" i Barth, F. (ed.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, 1969. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Sidene 9 - 38 (30 sider).

Anderson, Benedict : "Introduction" i Benedict Anderson (ed.): Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, 1983. London: Verso. Sidene 11 - 16 (6 sider) .

Harrison, S.: "Cultural Boundaries" i Anthropology Today, 15 (5), 1999. Sidene 10-13 (4 sider).


Hva er et samfunn

Barnes, J.A: "Durkheim's Division of Labour in Society" i Man, New Series, 1 (2), 1966. Sidene 158-175. LAST OPP PDF-FIL.

Barth, F.: "The analysis of culture in complex societies" i Ethnos, 54, 1989. Sidene 120-142.

Eriksen, T. H.: "Complexity in social and cultural integration: Some analytical dimensions" i Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30, 2006. Sidene 1055-1069. LAST OPP PDF-FIL.

Gr?nhaug, R.: "Scale as a variable in analysis: Fields in social organization in Herat, Northwest Afghanistan" i Barth, F. (red.): Scale and Social Organization, 1978. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Sidene 78–121.

Hannerz, U. : "The global ecumene as a network of networks" i A. Kuper (red.): Conceptualizing Society, 1992. London: Routledge. Sidene 34–58.

Det naturlige og det sosiale

Mauss, M.: "Techniques of the Body" i Economy and Society, Vol. 2, No 1, 1973 [1934]. Sidene 70-88 (19 sider) .

Martin, E.: "The End of the Body?" i American Ethnologist, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1992. Sidene 121-140 (20 sider).

Turner, Terence: "Social Body and Embodied Subject: Bodiliness, Subjectivity, and Sociality among the Kayapo" i Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995. Sidene 143-170 (27 sider).

Geissler, P.W. and R.J. Prince: "Active Compounds and Atoms of Society: Plants, Bodies, Minds and Cultures in the Work of Kenyan Ethnobotanical Knowledge" i Social Studies of Science, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2009. Sidene 599-634. LAST OPP PDF-FIL.

Antropologi og historie

Comaroff, John: "Images of Empire, Contests of Conscience: Models of Colonial Domination in South Africa" i American Ethnologist, Vol 6, No. 4, 1989. Sidene 661-685 (25 sider) .

Gow, P.: "River People: Shamanism and History in Western Amazonia" i Thomas and Humphrey (eds): Shamanism, History and the State, 1996. Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press. Sidene 90-113 (23 sider).

Cohen, D.W. og E.S. Atieno Odhiambo: "Silences of the Living, Orations of the Dead: The Struggle in Kenya for S.M. Otieno's Body, 20 December 1986 to 23 May 1987" i Sider and Smith (eds.): Between History and Histories. The Making of Silences and Commemorations, 1997. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Sidene 180-198 (18 sider).

Global - Lokal?

Collier, S. J.: "Global Assemblages" i Theory Culture Society, Vol. 23, No. 2-3, 2006. Sidene 399-401. LAST OPP PDF-FIL.

Gluckman, M.: "Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand" i Bantu Studies, 14, 1940. Sidene 1-30.

Gupta, A. and J. Ferguson: Anthropological Locations. Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, 1997. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press. Chapter 1. Sidene 1-46.

Viten og vitenskap

Hayden, C.: "Taking as Giving: Bioscience, Exchange, and the Politics of Benefit-sharing" i Social Studies of Science, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2007. Sidene 729-758. LAST OPP PDF-FIL.

Redfield, P.: "The Half-Life of Empire in Outer Space" i Social Studies of Science, Vol. 32, No. 5-6, 2002. Sidene 791-825. LAST OPP PDF-FIL.

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 10:30 - Sist endret 27. juli 2011 16:43