WEBVTT Kind: captions; language: en-us NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 79% (H?Y) 00:00:01.799 --> 00:00:08.800 Hello and welcome to this course in environmental anthropology, my name is Knut Nustad and 00:00:08.800 --> 00:00:13.500 together with Jon Rasmus Nykvist we will take you through what we think is a really really 00:00:13.500 --> 00:00:21.900 exciting field. As you will have seen we are trying an experimental teaching for this term 00:00:21.900 --> 00:00:29.800 where we pre-recordvideos like this and post them online together with a set of questions, and we 00:00:29.800 --> 00:00:32.400 ask you then to do the readings, NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:00:32.400 --> 00:00:40.150 watch the videos and reflect on the questions and then we meet on the Thursdays and have ample time 00:00:40.150 --> 00:00:48.000 to discuss reading some perspectives there. In this way we hope we will get the most out of our time 00:00:48.000 --> 00:00:57.300 together in class. So we start today with one of the most fundamental questions in environmental 00:00:57.300 --> 00:01:02.050 anthropology and that is the divide between humans NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 67% (MEDIUM) 00:01:02.050 --> 00:01:09.400 and society or between nature and culture so let me share my screen with you. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 72% (MEDIUM) 00:01:13.100 --> 00:01:15.700 NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 84% (H?Y) 00:01:17.700 --> 00:01:29.100 As those of you with anthropology backgrounds are aware many anthropologists are skeptical to the 00:01:29.100 --> 00:01:40.300 divide between humans and society, at least taken as a self-evident set of categories. There are many 00:01:40.300 --> 00:01:47.449 reasons for this: first of all it is not a universal, many people NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:01:47.449 --> 00:01:55.000 in other parts of the world and also historically do not think of the world as consisting of two 00:01:55.000 --> 00:02:03.600 parts one social the other natural, and since it is a key task in anthropology or key aim to 00:02:03.600 --> 00:02:10.500 understand other people's like worlds we need to be careful about the assumptions that we make about 00:02:10.500 --> 00:02:17.250 the world ourselves. So with starting out an analysis based on NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 83% (H?Y) 00:02:17.250 --> 00:02:24.800 an understanding that the world is divided into a social part and a natural part is not helpful, it 00:02:24.800 --> 00:02:32.300 also as we will see repeatedly throughout this course has several political implications if you 00:02:32.300 --> 00:02:39.500 think that the world is divided up in this way. For instance as we will see in a later lecture much 00:02:39.500 --> 00:02:47.300 of conservation efforts are based on this premise that people are separate from environments and in NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:02:47.300 --> 00:02:53.700 order to save environments or save nature we need to make sure that people do not disturb it and 00:02:53.700 --> 00:03:02.600 therefore also in some instances need to be removed from it. As we will touch on today as well many 00:03:02.600 --> 00:03:11.100 of the problem that we are now facing which are extremely real stem from or come from this kind of 00:03:11.100 --> 00:03:16.800 understanding as well, that we are external to the world and therefore need to intervene in it in a 00:03:16.800 --> 00:03:17.200 certain way NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 74% (MEDIUM) 00:03:17.200 --> 00:03:21.200 That we are external to our environments rather NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 72% (MEDIUM) 00:03:22.100 --> 00:03:34.200 and Ingold starts out with a text that makes this argument. He argues that a phrase that seems 00:03:34.200 --> 00:03:41.500 self-evident too many of us like the global environment actually is quite a pragmatic category 00:03:41.500 --> 00:03:50.850 because it is an example of our separation from environments rather than the solution to it NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 84% (H?Y) 00:03:50.850 --> 00:03:58.700 the idea of the global environment Engel argues together with many other people comes from this iconic 00:03:58.700 --> 00:04:09.300 image. This is for the first time mankind was able to see the world from the outside and that led to 00:04:09.300 --> 00:04:19.700 many positive things as well not in the least thinking about the world as a unity and a realization 00:04:19.700 --> 00:04:20.649 that we share this NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 82% (H?Y) 00:04:20.649 --> 00:04:27.500 space together, but it also did an and it sparked environmental Consciousness among amongst many 00:04:27.500 --> 00:04:35.900 people but it also has some problematic implications obviously. He uses the globe and what 00:04:35.900 --> 00:04:44.600 he calls a spare as two ways to discuss what is problematic about seeing our environments and 00:04:44.600 --> 00:04:47.150 thinking about the Earth as a globe. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 89% (H?Y) 00:04:47.150 --> 00:04:57.100 the global environment he says is actually a contradiction in terms, normally environments are meant as 00:04:57.100 --> 00:05:03.550 something that surrounds an organism a person is surrounded by his environment and animal is 00:05:03.550 --> 00:05:11.299 surrounded by his her environment for instance, in the same way that plants and other living 00:05:11.299 --> 00:05:17.150 organisms are so to talk about the global environment then NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 74% (MEDIUM) 00:05:17.150 --> 00:05:24.600 is problematic because environments are always relative to the kind of organism we are talking 00:05:24.600 --> 00:05:25.800 about NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 86% (H?Y) 00:05:25.800 --> 00:05:35.300 this means that talking about the global environment or even a global outlook is something that 00:05:35.300 --> 00:05:42.000 assumes a separation between yourself and that which you look at, and that's back to the picture that 00:05:42.000 --> 00:05:47.950 they just shown where the astronaut who saw the world like this for the first time is clearly 00:05:47.950 --> 00:05:53.600 outside outside environment outside the globe in order to observe it. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 70% (MEDIUM) 00:05:54.900 --> 00:06:01.900 So the contrast Ingold is drawn here to help us think about the relationship or the differences 00:06:01.900 --> 00:06:09.500 between standing outside environments and examining them and being in environments and living them 00:06:09.500 --> 00:06:16.250 is the contrast between what it calls the globe and despair NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 81% (H?Y) 00:06:16.250 --> 00:06:26.200 this is an image an alternative image then of the people in environments. This one is taken from your 00:06:26.200 --> 00:06:36.550 text and it's an old European image in 1564 but this way of thinking about people 00:06:36.550 --> 00:06:46.700 in environments is not only found in all European thinking but in many other alternative NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 77% (H?Y) 00:06:46.700 --> 00:06:56.550 scientific thinking as well. What is marked here is first and foremost as you see people 00:06:56.550 --> 00:07:09.700 inside their lived an environment, this specific illustration is spears as a set of letters and 00:07:09.700 --> 00:07:16.700 increased understanding as you move up the ladders, and here you see the philosopher sort of helping NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 74% (MEDIUM) 00:07:16.700 --> 00:07:24.700 the nobleman on his way towards that. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 88% (H?Y) 00:07:26.500 --> 00:07:33.800 but the most important thing with this image in contrast to the globe is that it places persons in 00:07:33.800 --> 00:07:36.000 A world. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 73% (MEDIUM) 00:07:36.900 --> 00:07:48.300 so whereas a sphere is always marked with persons at the centre is based on their experience, it's 00:07:48.300 --> 00:07:54.800 always shifting and changing as people move through environments or wills therefore also places 00:07:54.800 --> 00:08:04.300 people in the worlds.Globes on the other hand are always divorced from experience in the sense that 00:08:04.300 --> 00:08:07.250 you have to stand outside the world to try to NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:08:07.250 --> 00:08:15.700 experience it as a globe so people are here as we will come back to later as well on the 00:08:15.700 --> 00:08:18.400 world rather than in it. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:08:18.500 --> 00:08:26.000 and therefore to experience the world as a globe as we will see you have to first leave it and treat 00:08:26.000 --> 00:08:34.100 it as an object and place yourself outside it. This Ingold argues is a colonial view of the world 00:08:34.100 --> 00:08:41.900 and our environments because if the world exists outside was before us it's also presented as a 00:08:41.900 --> 00:08:49.100 surface that we then inhabit gradually inhabit, and this NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:08:49.100 --> 00:08:55.400 kind of view of the world also lie behind with the western expansion of course the world as 00:08:55.400 --> 00:09:05.000 a prefixed entity that need to be populated often then by Western colonial society. The second 00:09:05.000 --> 00:09:10.450 article is actually quite fun example over this NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 85% (H?Y) 00:09:10.450 --> 00:09:21.500 it's taking as it's starting point as set of experiments in Psychology and it's also rather 00:09:21.500 --> 00:09:29.900 interesting way I think of showing how anthropology often have alternative perspectives on the 00:09:29.900 --> 00:09:40.800 disciplines so the starting point for these set of experiments rather, is basically this when you're NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:09:40.800 --> 00:09:48.400 Born Into the world you don't experience yourself as living on a round globe you experience yourself 00:09:48.400 --> 00:09:56.450 as living in a world right but landscape around you and it's all more or less experienced as flat 00:09:56.450 --> 00:10:06.500 and inhabited by other objects and other entities. So psychologist asked how do children in their 00:10:06.500 --> 00:10:10.599 thinking develop from that first experience at NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:10:10.599 --> 00:10:17.800 the bottom here to the correct scientific one at the top where you realize that you're on a round 00:10:17.800 --> 00:10:26.200 globe and that this is the scientifically correct view. Most psychologists have thought of these as 00:10:26.200 --> 00:10:33.300 stages in children's thinking and you see some of the stages here. You sort of moved from a flat 00:10:33.300 --> 00:10:40.400 Earth perspective to realizing or being taught that it is round then you in this middle NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 72% (MEDIUM) 00:10:40.400 --> 00:10:47.700 models you tried to reconceptualize these great different ways of thinking that IE its round but it 00:10:47.700 --> 00:10:53.950 appears flat to me by having different hollow earth perspectives or do other work perspective sorry 00:10:53.950 --> 00:11:02.800 where you pay try to keep the two models in your head constantly and finally you reach maturity and 00:11:02.800 --> 00:11:10.750 you understand what the world is really like that it is round with people on it so NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:11:10.750 --> 00:11:18.600 what the first set of experiments did was to ask children to draw the earth which is the 00:11:18.600 --> 00:11:27.650 children in this example dit and then we ask them to add the sky of our first people on the Earth 00:11:27.650 --> 00:11:40.700 and then add houses the sky and and other elements like that, and this confused children. Some of them NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 72% (MEDIUM) 00:11:40.700 --> 00:11:50.950 which was scored as a most mature like A here did draw around Earth, and you see elements are placed 00:11:50.950 --> 00:11:59.500 on that round earth. Most people and this would have been scored a duel earth perspectives on the bottom 00:11:59.500 --> 00:12:09.400 here she started up a drawing a round globe but when asked to place houses and and the sky on 00:12:09.400 --> 00:12:10.750 that she'd NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 83% (H?Y) 00:12:10.750 --> 00:12:19.500 first after some thinking drew the houses on the edge of the paper and then added the sky above 00:12:19.500 --> 00:12:27.100 the edge of the paper so this is really two conceptions put into one drawing right. Your round Earth 00:12:27.100 --> 00:12:35.950 in the middle and then houses and sky on top of that which is seen as not being the correct 00:12:35.950 --> 00:12:40.750 solution, but as Ingold argues if you look at the transcript NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 83% (H?Y) 00:12:40.750 --> 00:12:49.100 for instance in the chapter on your readings Dorsey here is quite consistent and it is the 00:12:49.100 --> 00:12:58.700 experimenters that confuses Earth the true meanings of Earth. She talks about ground and places 00:12:58.700 --> 00:13:06.650 houses on the ground down here and it's only from the ground that you can actually experience a sky 00:13:06.650 --> 00:13:10.750 actually the whole protocol Ingold argues is an NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:13:10.750 --> 00:13:16.400 example of the best in confusion about the separation of humans and environments that is employed in 00:13:16.400 --> 00:13:24.100 the globe because there is no way that you can place the sky in a drawing of the globe the only way 00:13:24.100 --> 00:13:32.500 you can see the sky is if you lay flat on this globe and look up and see it right above you and that 00:13:32.500 --> 00:13:40.400 inconsistency is correctly depicted by Darcy in the drawing and it is wrongly assumed NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:13:40.400 --> 00:13:48.400 by the experimenters. So this initial experiment was followed up by a set of other experiments like 00:13:48.400 --> 00:13:54.700 this one for instance where rather than having children draw pictures they were asked to pick the 00:13:54.700 --> 00:14:03.000 correct one and here the left one is the correct one but again as Ingold argues it's not in no way 00:14:03.000 --> 00:14:10.650 correct is actually a dual Earth even if the experimenters do not recognize this because you can't NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 80% (H?Y) 00:14:10.650 --> 00:14:18.200 put these two elements together in one picture, if you saw the Earth like that you would 00:14:18.200 --> 00:14:25.400 not see this the only way that the persons in that picture could see the sky would be to shift 00:14:25.400 --> 00:14:32.200 perspective and place them on the ground looking up but most experimenters is did not pick 00:14:32.200 --> 00:14:39.700 up on the inconsistency and neither did the the respondents NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 78% (H?Y) 00:14:39.700 --> 00:14:48.300 a further elaboration wants to use grownups and the same protocol, they picked up on this 00:14:48.300 --> 00:14:55.600 contradiction this were college students. so we see what they do here is to actually point out the 00:14:55.600 --> 00:15:02.000 kind of contradiction that the children struggled with in the first set of experiments so the 00:15:02.000 --> 00:15:08.400 number one has that well if you have to put all this into one drawing you actually can't so 00:15:08.400 --> 00:15:09.150 it's either a NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 78% (H?Y) 00:15:09.150 --> 00:15:19.000 globe or the ground where you experience the sky, and the latest experiments done in the series and 00:15:19.000 --> 00:15:25.900 not a group of experimenters were quite explicit and said draw the Earth as it would look from the 00:15:25.900 --> 00:15:35.000 spaceship and then or contradictions disappeared. so the point of this for Ingold more than just making 00:15:35.000 --> 00:15:39.350 fun of psychologists is to say that it's something fundamental problematic NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 82% (H?Y) 00:15:39.350 --> 00:15:45.300 in Western conceptions of our environments and this is played out in the experimental protocol in 00:15:45.300 --> 00:15:52.200 this case and rather than the children being confused or wrong or being at the different 00:15:52.200 --> 00:16:00.500 intellectual development stages its contradictions in our own thinking that lays behind the 00:16:00.500 --> 00:16:08.950 confusion here. And that contradiction is between a conception of our environments as NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 85% (H?Y) 00:16:08.950 --> 00:16:18.500 external to us as in the globe or as internal or as people being part of environments and moving in a 00:16:18.500 --> 00:16:27.700 world so back to the first article then Ingold compares what he called a Kantian/Yup'ik 00:16:27.700 --> 00:16:36.200 Which is indigenous Eskimo people ways of moving in the world NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 77% (H?Y) 00:16:36.400 --> 00:16:46.000 Kant starts out by arguing that if you just moved around in world you could 00:16:46.000 --> 00:16:57.000 experience it as flat, but if you then knew that the world is round you would then change 00:16:57.000 --> 00:17:03.400 your perspective because then all the partial bits you saw as you moved around could be fitted on 00:17:03.400 --> 00:17:05.550 your conceptual model of the Earth NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 75% (MEDIUM) 00:17:05.550 --> 00:17:12.500 as globe that kind of perspective then unless of course the basis of much kantian 00:17:12.500 --> 00:17:21.800 philosophy that whole perspective then separates you from the world Ingold argues because a Kantian 00:17:21.800 --> 00:17:27.700 traveler as it puts it here dwells on the world rather than in it NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:17:27.700 --> 00:17:38.600 the Yup'ik traveler on the other hand always travels in the world. Perspective changes as he or she is 00:17:38.600 --> 00:17:49.200 moving and there is no universal conception of the environment that is constant independent of where 00:17:49.200 --> 00:17:50.750 the observer is NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 82% (H?Y) 00:17:50.750 --> 00:17:57.650 The environments has surrounded the person changes with the person and is always relative to the person 00:17:57.650 --> 00:18:04.600 so these are two very contrasting ways of seeing people and environments. One in relation to the 00:18:04.600 --> 00:18:10.350 person ie the order as abstract an independent on the person NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 77% (H?Y) 00:18:10.350 --> 00:18:17.800 this has a set of implications as well as I said before NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 76% (H?Y) 00:18:18.200 --> 00:18:28.000 in the Kantian perspective a local perspective is only always partial because it's only part of a 00:18:28.000 --> 00:18:38.150 concealed model, part of a complete globe that nobody really sees. It's only actually translated to 00:18:38.150 --> 00:18:44.600 The other perspective it's only those in a position to see the whole picture that you'd know the 00:18:44.600 --> 00:18:48.750 whole picture or the people only see partial and local bits. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 85% (H?Y) 00:18:48.750 --> 00:18:58.200 so in perspective where the globe is conceived as an abstract model and people moving on bits of 00:18:58.200 --> 00:19:04.300 that you will see that a local perspective is always partial and less complete unless of lesser 00:19:04.300 --> 00:19:10.900 worth than the global perspective. This has management implications as well Ingold has 00:19:10.900 --> 00:19:17.949 argued here as well it allows for Global experts to always have the last word NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 80% (H?Y) 00:19:17.949 --> 00:19:26.800 because only they have the full perspective. This is wrong Ingold argues local isn't a partial 00:19:26.800 --> 00:19:33.950 perspective on the global not from a spherical perspective rather it's a different kind of knowledge 00:19:33.950 --> 00:19:39.700 it's a kind of experience you have as you move in the world rather than on it and from such a 00:19:39.700 --> 00:19:45.000 perspective there isn't a totality that is the truth there are only different partial perspectives 00:19:45.000 --> 00:19:48.900 of people moving and being in environments. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:19:49.900 --> 00:19:59.200 so local then and always engage as many different and partially based centers and these perspectives 00:19:59.200 --> 00:20:05.550 which we try to get that in anthropology must be treated to us as equally important and equally true. 00:20:05.550 --> 00:20:12.700 there's a Global Perspective he argues and tries to show always insist on assuming or subsuming these 00:20:12.700 --> 00:20:19.650 partial perspectives into a totality and as a basis for NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:20:19.650 --> 00:20:23.900 Policy that is highly problematic NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 86% (H?Y) 00:20:25.700 --> 00:20:35.100 so to try to sum up some of this he makes this contrast then which he also when he ends the article 00:20:35.100 --> 00:20:43.100 By saying that of course is not true solid contrasting ways of over experiencing the world the one 00:20:43.100 --> 00:20:49.900 always contains the seed of the other so think of them more as a way of thinking a way of dividing up 00:20:49.900 --> 00:20:56.350 the world useful contrast for us to think with. A spherical view is a view where you NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:20:56.350 --> 00:21:03.500 Place yourself in relationship to the environment and it always involves some kind of enrollment of the 00:21:03.500 --> 00:21:12.600 organism with the environment. A global view or a globeview is a view where you have your 00:21:12.600 --> 00:21:20.800 environment as existing as a solid entity independent of your own experience of it and being 00:21:20.800 --> 00:21:25.900 preformed before you engage with it, so in such a view NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 76% (H?Y) 00:21:25.900 --> 00:21:33.900 the world exists prior to and separate from lived life within it. I might come across as a 00:21:33.900 --> 00:21:41.500 sounding like this is completely wrong and without meaning but remember that much of modern science 00:21:41.500 --> 00:21:48.100 and technology is based on exactly this fiction as Ingold would have it that the world is external to 00:21:48.100 --> 00:21:53.500 us we can know it as an external object and this is the basis for laboratory 00:21:53.500 --> 00:21:56.450 science for much natural science right NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 78% (H?Y) 00:21:56.450 --> 00:22:06.000 but Ingold argues for a view that puts people in this kind of world rather than separate from it. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:22:06.000 --> 00:22:17.000 and he believes that in much scientific thinking as well not realizing that we are part of our 00:22:17.000 --> 00:22:25.800 environments leads to flawed scientific thinking, from biology he pulls example more popular perhaps in 00:22:25.800 --> 00:22:33.700 the 1990s or 2000 when this was written of genetic determinism. Well this is the view that organisms are 00:22:33.700 --> 00:22:36.300 really independent of the environments NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 80% (H?Y) 00:22:36.300 --> 00:22:44.350 or that you can have a useful debate between the environmental factors and the 00:22:44.350 --> 00:22:51.800 inherent factors but the extreme version of this is that organisms are bought with that genetic 00:22:51.800 --> 00:22:58.600 programming that just plays itself out more or less independent of environments. Much new biology 00:22:58.600 --> 00:23:06.350 which Ingold is really interested in sees genetic dispositions and NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:23:06.350 --> 00:23:11.699 Environmental factors so intertwined that you can't really divide them up as factors in the first place 00:23:11.699 --> 00:23:19.700 it's such a determined concept. more controversially he argues that cultural relativism in 00:23:19.700 --> 00:23:29.400 anthropology is also a sign of the same way of thinking, this is where you try to explain different 00:23:29.400 --> 00:23:36.300 human groups by culture and then what was known as cultural relativism as an NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:23:36.300 --> 00:23:47.700 explanatory factor more than a tool that we use it now the argument here goes that since human 00:23:47.700 --> 00:23:54.800 nature is all the same and nature is constant if you need to explain why you do have differences 00:23:54.800 --> 00:24:01.600 between human groups and that must be culture. So in order to have different cultures you need the 00:24:01.600 --> 00:24:06.250 one nature and that perspective we can get back to that later as well has been NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 79% (H?Y) 00:24:06.250 --> 00:24:13.800 Challenged in the last 10 years or so in anthropology. All these ways of thinking argues Ingold means 00:24:13.800 --> 00:24:19.900 and that is the most problematic part of it means that people are not part of the world but that we 00:24:19.900 --> 00:24:27.400 stand outside it and I did this for us to engage with as we see fit. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 84% (H?Y) 00:24:28.500 --> 00:24:42.200 That divide as already mentioned also creates the preconception that we can actually choose to 00:24:42.200 --> 00:24:47.400 or choose not to intervene in the world if they're outside it we can take care of it we can look 00:24:47.400 --> 00:24:54.200 after it we can destroy it, but these are choices that we make from a position outside of our environments. 00:24:54.200 --> 00:24:57.850 Ingold argues that it's impossible for us not to NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 80% (H?Y) 00:24:57.850 --> 00:25:04.800 Intervene because there's so much part of their environments that we are living 00:25:04.800 --> 00:25:13.900 in. This is especially important now with all the new evidence that emerges 00:25:13.900 --> 00:25:21.800 on how humans are so intertwined in their environment that is not possible to distinguish human 00:25:21.800 --> 00:25:27.100 culture and natural processes in the first place when I'm thinking about all the discussions about 00:25:27.100 --> 00:25:27.750 the anthropocene NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 48% (MEDIUM) 00:25:27.750 --> 00:25:29.800 For instance. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 78% (H?Y) 00:25:33.400 --> 00:25:44.200 so Ingold argues and that what seems like a really useful phrase the global environment that is a 00:25:44.200 --> 00:25:51.500 sort of a calls to arms for looking after the environment is quite problematic actually because it 00:25:51.500 --> 00:25:57.800 assumes it comes from the same kind of processes that created the problems we are trying to solve in 00:25:57.800 --> 00:26:03.300 the first place it is because of all the advances and also the NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:26:03.300 --> 00:26:12.800 the disadvantages from this that society has made that we see ourselves as being separate from so 00:26:12.800 --> 00:26:17.900 what we need to do then is to try to find Solutions where we see when we think about people as being 00:26:17.900 --> 00:26:26.000 part of their environments rather than standing outside and having the option to do intervene look 00:26:26.000 --> 00:26:33.150 after destroy or not. For Ingold then the global environment NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 70% (MEDIUM) 00:26:33.150 --> 00:26:41.449 is more a symptom of the problem rather than the solution we will revisit this theme many times in 00:26:41.449 --> 00:26:48.400 the coming weeks but I thought it would be fun to start with a very typical anthropological 00:26:48.400 --> 00:26:56.700 exercise in a sense. Where the Anthropologist takes something that seems like a sort of evident 00:26:56.700 --> 00:27:02.400 concept for too many of us and also how our disciplines have treated them and use that as a way to 00:27:02.400 --> 00:27:03.550 think about NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:27:03.550 --> 00:27:16.100 how we should engage a topic area such as the environment, but as he tries to show is so much part of 00:27:16.100 --> 00:27:24.800 ourself and you can't really not be a part of our environment and how that what seems like a 00:27:24.800 --> 00:27:31.500 really useful idea the global environment actually rather than tying us closer to environments and the 00:27:31.500 --> 00:27:33.250 World employs NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 45% (LAV) 00:27:33.250 --> 00:27:38.000 as a separation between ourselves and our environment.