
B?ker som m? kj?pes/l?nes:

@ Stuart Hall (ed.) : Representation : cultural representations and signifying practices , 1997 . London:Sage.

@ Bouquet, Mary: Sans og Samling…hos Universitetets Etnografiske Museum (Bringing It All Back Home…to the Oslo University Ethnographic Museum), 1996. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (Boka vil bli tilgjengelig i undervisningen).


Gell, Alfred: "Vogel’s Net Traps as Artworks and Artworks as Traps" i Journal of Material Culture, vol. 1, 1996. s. 15-38.

Dant, Tim: "Introduction: The Cairn and the Mini-strip" i Material Culture in the Social World, 1999. Buckingham: Open University Press. chapter 1, s. 1-16.

Bennett, Tony: "The Exhibitionary Complex" i Boswell and Evans (eds): Representing the Nation: A Reader: Histories, heritages and museums, 1999 (1988). s. 332-361.

Carrier, James G. : "Introduction" i Occidentalism: Images of the West, 1995. Oxford: Clarendon Press. s. 1-32 .

Jacknis, Ira: "Franz Boas and Exhibits: On the Limitations of the Museum Method of Anthropology" i Stocking, Jr., George. W: Objects and Others: Essays on Museums and Material Culture, 1985. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. s. 75-112.

Thomas, Julia Adeney: "History and Anti-History: Photography Exhibitions and Japanese National Identity" i Crane, Susan A.: Museums and Memory, 2000. California: Stanford University Press. s. 93-114.

Wilson, Diana Drake: "Realizing Memory, Transforming History" i Crane, Susan A.: Museums and Memory, 2000. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. s. 115-137.

Macdonald, Judith: "The Tikopia and ‘What Raymond Said" i Jaarsma, Sjoerd R. & Rohatynskyj, Marta.A (eds.) : Ethnographic Artifacts: A Challenge to a Reflexive Anthropology, 2000. Honolulu: University og Hawai’i Press. s. 107-123 .

Naguib, Saphinaz-Amal: "The Aesthetics of Otherness in Museums of Cultural History" i Tidsskrift for Kulturforskning, vol. 3, nr. 4, 2004. s. 5-21.

R?kkum, Arne: "N?rt, vilt og skj?nt: Typer og karakterer i etnografiske utstillinger og forestillinger" i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 2005. nummer 2-3, s. 119-131.

McVeigh, Brian J.: "How Hello Kitty Commodifies the Cute, Cool and Camp: Consumutopia versus Control in Japan" i Journal of Material Culture vol. 5(2), 2000. s. 225-245.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Dant, Tim: "Consuming or Living with Things" i Material Culture in the Social World, 1999. Buckingham: Open University Press. s. 17-39.

Publisert 24. mai 2006 17:22 - Sist endret 11. aug. 2006 18:05