
B?ker (kj?pes i Akademika):

Ravenhill, John (2010): Global Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Alle kapitler unntatt kap. 3, 9 og 12. 390 s.

Rodrik, Dani (1999): The New Global Economy and Developing Countries: Making Openness Work. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Kap 1-4 og 6. 117s.

I kompendiet:

Chang, Ha-joon (2002) Kicking Away the Ladder. Development Strategy in Historical Perspective. London: Anthem Press, kap. 2 56 s.

Glyn, Andrew (2006): ¡°Finance and ownership¡± (kapittel 3) i Capitalism Unleashed, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 27 s.

Hveem, Helge (2006) ¡°Explaining the Regional Phenomenon in an Era of Globalization¡±, in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R. D. Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press of Canada, s. 294 - 305 11 s.

Polanyi, Karl (1957): The Great Transformation, New York: Beacon Press. Kap. 1 - 2. 30 s

Ruggie, John G. (1998) ¡±Embedded Liberalism and the Postwar Economic Regimes¡±, chap. 2 i Constructing the World Polity. London: Routledge. 22 s.

Sandmo, Agnar, (2006) Samfunns?konomi - en id¨¦historie. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 3 (Smith), 5 (Mill) og 10 (Marshall) 64 s.

Williamson, Oliver (1985): The Economic institutions of Capitalism. New York: The Free Press. Kap. 1 28 s.

Z¨¹rn, Michael (2002): ¡°From Interdependence to Globalization¡± i Walter Carlsn?s, Thomas Risse og Beth A. Simmons: Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications. 20 s.

Lenke til:

(Det er mulig ? koble seg p? UiO-nettet via ekstern maskin og dermed f? tilgang p? tidsskriftsbasen ogs? utenfor UiO.)

Barrett, Scott (2009) ¡®Rethinking Global Climate Change Governance¡¯, Economics 3 (5): 1-12. 12s. Lenke

Claes, Dag Harald (2010) Global Energy Security: Resource Availability, Economic Conditions and Political Constraints. Paper for SGIR, Stockholm, Sept 26 s Lenke

Gereffi, Gary, John Humphrey og Timothy Sturgeon (2005): ¡°The governance of global value chains¡±, Review of International political Economy 12(1): 78-104. 26 s. Lenke

Hveem, Helge (2009) ¡°Direkteinvesteringer i utlandet og norsk utenrikspolitikk,¡± Internasjonal Politikk, 67 (3): 381- 412, 31 s. Lenke

May, Christopher (2007): ¡°The World Intellectual Property organization and the Development Agenda¡± Global Governance nr. 2, s. 161-170. 9 s. Lenke

North, Douglass (2005): ¡°Capitalism and Economic Growth¡± i Nee og Swedberg (red.) The Economic Sociology of Capitalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 12 s.

Ostrom, Elinor (2000): ¡°Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norms¡± I The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14, No. 3, 137-158. 21 s. Lenke

Prontera, Andrea (2009). ¡®Energy Policy: Concepts, Actors, Instruments and Recent Developments¡± in World Political Science Review. 5(1): 1-30. 30 s. Fronter

Purvis, Nigel and Andrew Stevenson (2010) "Rethinking Climate Diplomacy". Brussels Forum paper series. 32 s. Lenke

Yergin, Daniel (2006). ¡®Ensuring Energy Security¡¯ in Foreign Affairs. 85(2): 69-82. 13 s. Lenke

Til sammen 910 s.

Anbefalt litteratur (ikke pensum: vil bli oppgitt i l?pet av kurset).

De tre utg?tte kapitlene i Ravenhill, kap. 3, 9 og 12

Phillips, Nicola and Catherine Weaver (eds.) (2010) International Political Economy. Debating the Past, Present and Future. Routledge.

Wade, Robert H. (2003) ¡°What strategies are available for developing countries today? The WTO and the shrinking of ¡®development space¡± Review of International Political Economy, 10:4 November: 621-644. 23 s. Lenke

Publisert 1. okt. 2010 09:50 - Sist endret 23. feb. 2021 15:43