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Stevenson, Hayley. 2017. Global Environmental Politics: Problems, Policy and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017. Hele boken er pensum.

Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika

Claes, Dag Harald. 2018. The Politics of Oil: Controlling Resources, Governing Markets and Creating Political Conflicts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Kap 1 og 4. (42 s.)

Claes, Dag Harald and Arild Moe. 2018. Arctic Offshore Petroleum: Resources and Political Fundamentals. In S. V. Rottem and I. F. Soltvedt (eds.), Arctic Governance Volume II: Energy, Living Marine Resources and Shipping. London: I. B. Tauris. Kap 2. (25 s.)

Litfin, Karen T. 1994. Ozone Discourses: Science and Politics in Global Environmental Cooperation. New York: Columbia University Press. Kap 2. (38 s.)

Skodvin, Tora and Arild Underdal. 2000. Exploring the Dynamics of the Science–Politics Interaction. S. Andresen, T. Skodvin, A. Underdal, and J. Wettestad. 2000. Science and Politics in International Environmental Regimes. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Kap 2. (14 s.)

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2019. "Interplay Management." In Architectures of Earth System Governance: Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation, edited by Frank Biermann and Rakhyum E. Kim, 165-185. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tilgjengelig online

Alvik 2015. Fundamental Principles of Petroleum Law. Marius (456) 227-255.

Bailey, Jennifer L. 2008. Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm Change. European Journal of International Relations 14(2): 289–318.

Barrett, Scott. 2008. Climate treaties and the imperative of enforcement. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 24(2): 239–258.

Conca, Ken. 2012. The Rise of the Region in Global Environmental Politics.  Global Environmental Politics 12 (3):127-133.

Cosme, I, Santos, R and O'Neill, DW. 2017. Assessing the Degrowth Discourse: A Review and Analysis of Academic Degrowth Policy Proposals. Journal of Cleaner Production 149:321-334.

Dalby, Simon. 2013. Global Environmental Security. In The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, 163-178. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Dimitrov, Radoslav, Jon Hovi, Detlef F. Sprinz, H?kon S?len & Arild Underdal. 2019. Institutional and Environmental Effectiveness: Will the Paris Agreement Work? WIREs Climate Change;e583.

Gleditch, Nils Petter og Ragnhild Nord?s. 2014. Conflicting Messages? The IPCC on Conflict and Human Security. Political Geography 43: 82–90.

Green, Jessica. 2018. Transnational delegation in global environmental governance: When do non state actors govern? Regulation & Governance, 12(2): 263-276.

Gulbrandsen, Lars H. 2014. Dynamic Governance Interactions: Evolutionary Effects of State Responses to Non-State Certification Programs. Regulation and Governance 8: 74–92.

Gulbrandsen, Lars H. 2018. "Globalization, Governance Gaps, and the Emergence of New Institutions for Political Consumerism." In The Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism, edited by Magnus Bostr?m, Michele Micheletti and Peter Oosterveer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Haas, Peter. 1992. Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination. International Organization 46(1): 1–35.

Harris, Paul G., Alice S. Y. Chow, and Rasmus Karlsson. 2013. China and climate justice: moving beyond statism.  International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 13 (3):291-305.

Helm, Dieter & Detlef Sprinz. 2000. Measuring the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. Journal of Conflict Resolution 44(5): 630-652.

Hovi, Jon; Detlef F. Sprinz, and Arild Underdal. 2009. Implementing Long-term Climate Policy: Time Inconsistency, Domestic Politics, International Anarchy. Global Environmental Politics 9(3): 20–39.

Jagers S. C., Harring N., L?fgren ?., Sj?stedt M., Alpizar F., Brülde B., Langlet D., Nilsson A., Almroth B. C., Dupont S., & Steffen W. (2019). On the Preconditions for Large-Scale Collective Action. CeCAR Working Paper Series 2019:1.

Karlsson, Rasmus. 2018. The High-Energy Planet. Global Change, Peace & Security 30(1):77-84.

Keohane, Robert O., and David G. Victor. 2016. Cooperation and discord in global climate policy.  Nature Climate Change 6 (6):570-575.

Levy, Marc A. 1995. Is the Environment a National Security Issue?  International Security 20 (2):35-62.

Lidskog, Rolf og G?ran Sundqvist. 2015. When Does Science Matter? International Relations meets Science and Technology Studies. Global Environmental Politics 15(1): 1–20.

Mach, K. J., Kraan, C. M., Adger, W. N., Buhaug, H., Burke, M., Fearon, J. D., …von Uexkull, N. 2019. Climate as a Risk Factor for Armed Conflict. Nature 571(7764):193-197.

MacNeil, Robert & Matthew Paterson (2019): Trump, US Climate Politics, and the Evolving Pattern of Global Climate Governance, Global Change, Peace & Security:1-19.

Peters, G. P., Andrew, R. M., Canadell, J. G., Fuss, S., Jackson, R. B., Korsbakken, J. I., … Nakicenovic, N. (2017). Key indicators to track current progress and future ambition of the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change, 7(2), 118–122.

Raustiala, Kal, and David G. Victor. 2004. The Regime Complex for Plant Genetic Resources.  International Organization 58 (02):277-309.

Tallberg, Jonas, Thomas Sommerer, Theresa Squatrito og Christer J?nsson. 2014. Explaining the Transnational Design of International Organizations. International Organization 68(4): 741–774.

TEEB (2010). The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature: A Synthesis of the Approach Conclusions and Recommendations of TEEB. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme. <>.

Theisen, Ole Magnus. 2017. Climate Change and Violence: Insights from Political Science. Curr.Clim.Change Rep. 3:210-221

Young, Oran R. 2001. Inferences and Indices: Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. Global Environmental Politics 1 (1): 99–121.

Young, Oran R. 2016. The Paris Agreement: Destined to Succeed or Doomed to Fail? Politics and Governance 4(3):124-132.

Zalasiewicz, Jan mfl. 2017. Making the Case for a Formal Anthropocene Epoch: An Analysis of Ongoing Critiques. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50(2), 205-226.


Publisert 25. nov. 2019 09:50 - Sist endret 25. feb. 2020 08:59