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Tidsskriftartikler som has i abonnement ved Universitetsbiblioteket er tilgjengelige gjennom Universitetsbibliotekets database for tidsskrifter. Gratisressurser er tilgjengelige over Internett.


Askim, J., T.Christensen, A.L.Fimreite og P.L?greid (2009). How to Carry Out Joined-Up Government Reforms: Lessons from the 2001–2006 Norwegian Welfare Reform. International Journal of Public Administration, 32: 1006–1025. (20 s.). Lenke

Askim, J., T.Christensen, A.L.Fimreite og P.L?greid (2010). How to assess administrative reform? Investigating the adoptation and preliminary impacts of the Norwegian welfare reform. Public Administration, Vol. 88, No. 1, 2010 (232–246). (15 s.) Lenke

Boin, A., P. ‘t Hart, E. Stern og B. Sundelius (2005). “Crisis management in political systems: five leadership challenges”. I Boin et al. The Politics of Crisis Management – Public Leadership under Pressure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-17. (17 s.) K

Christensen, T. (2011). "University Governance Reforms – Potential Problems of More Autonomy?" Higher Education, vol.62, no 4: 503-517.(15 s.) Lenke

Christensen, T. og P.L?greid (2007). "The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform". Public Administration Review Volume 67. s. 1059-1066.(16 s.) Lenke

Christensen, T., P.L?greid, P.G.Roness og K.A. R?vik (2009): Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 2.utgave. (231 s)

Christensen, T., A.L. Fimreite and P. L?greid (2011). “Crisis management: the perceptions of citizens and civil servants in Norway”. Administration & Society 2011 ; 43(5): 561-594. (34 s.) Lenke

Christensen, T., P. L?greid og L-H. Rykkja (2013): “After a Terrorist Attack: Challenges for Political and Administrative Leadership in Norway”. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 21(3):167-177. (22 s.) Lenke

Clark, B. R. (1972): “The Organizational Saga in Higher Education”, Administrative Science Quarterly 17(2): 178-184. (14 s.) Lenke

Denis, J.L., A. Langley og L. Rouleau (2005): ”Rethinking leadership in public organizations”. I E. Ferlie, L.E. Lynn og C. Pollitt, red. The Oxford Handbook of Public Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 446–467. (21 s) K

Egeberg, M. (2012) “How bureaucratic structure matters: an organizational perspective”. I B.G. Peters og J. Pierre, red. The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration, Sage Publications. 157-168. (24 s.) K

Foss Hansen, H.  (2011): “NPM in Scandinavia”. I T. Christensen og P. L?greid red. The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management.  Farnham: Ashgate (17 s.) K

Lango, P. og P. L?greid (2012). "Samordning for samfunnssikkerhet". I A.L. Fimreite, P. Lango, P. L?greid og L.H. Rykkja (red.). Organisering, samfunnssikkerhet og kriseh?ndtering. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (25 s). K

Larsen, I.M., P. Maassen og B. Stensaker (2009). "Four Basic Dilemmas in University Governance Reform". Higher Education Management and Policy, Vol. 21 No.3, pp. 41-59 (18s.) Lenke

March, J.G. og Olsen, J.P. (1983) “Organizing Political Life: What Administrative Reorganization Tells us about Government’, American Political Science Review, 77(2): 281–297. (32 s.) Lenke

Pollitt, C. (2003). The essential public manager. Berkshire: Open University Press (196 s.)

Pollitt, C. og G.Bouckaert (2011). ?Trade-offs, balances, limits, dilemmas, contradictions, and paradoxes?. I C. Pollitt og G. Bouckaert, Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. edition, side 182-205 (23 s.) K

Roness, P.G. (2009). “Handling theoretical diversity on agency autonomy”. I P.G. Roness og H. S?tren red., Change and continuity. Essays in Honour of Per L?greid. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (18 s.) Lenke

Rothstein, Bo (2012): "Good governance". I D. Levi-Faure red. The Oxford Handbook of Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 143-154, (12 s.) K


Sum sider: 770

Publisert 4. nov. 2013 13:24 - Sist endret 7. mars 2014 11:10