Alan Greaves: "GIS analysis and landscape phenomenology: new approaches to understand the identity of Ionia"

Gjesteforelesning Blindernveien 11, seminarrom 2, onsdag 4. Mai kl. 10.15-12?

Dr. Alan Greaves: "GIS analysis and landscape phenomenology: new approaches to understand the identity of Ionia"

Dr. Alan Greaves is senior lecturer at Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology at the University of Liverpool and visiting fellow at Ko? University, Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Istanbul.

His research focuses on the Bronze Age-Iron Age Anatolia (Turkey) and particularly its role as a bridge between the cultures of East and West, both ancient and modern. He also work on Archaic Greek archaeology, especially colonisation, economy and religion. He is currently the Chair of Mediterranean Archaeology Research Group. His numerous publications include the books John Garstang's Footsteps Across Anatolia / Anadolu'da John Garstang'in Ayak Izleri. Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (2015), The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in the Archaic Period (2010) , Transanatolia: Bridging the Gap between East and West in the Archaeology of Anatolia (2007)  and Miletos: A History (2002).








Publisert 2. mai 2016 11:18