Masteroppgaver – Side 5

Sidetittel Publisert Veileder(e)
Masteroppgave om alger og dyr i Raaet nasjonalpark 6. jan. 2023
Masteroppgave om makroalger og dyr i Oslofjorden 6. jan. 2023
Single-cell transcriptomics of transgenic zebrafish lines 29. sep. 2022
Seasonal dynamics of Tripos-species in Oslofjorden 22. sep. 2022
Deciphering the involvement of circadian clock genes in vascular endothelial dysfunction 16. sep. 2022
The hunt for the idiotope 15. sep. 2022
Biodiversity of benthic foraminifera assemblages on Arctic continental margin 13. sep. 2022
Transcription factor heterogeneity in cancer 23. aug. 2022
Characterization of carcinogenic protein complex alterations and driver mutations of chromatin regulatory factors in Sarcomas 19. aug. 2022
Computational deconvolution of prostate tumors using gene regulatory networks 9. aug. 2022
Evolution of marine invertebrates – 4. Biodiversity (Natural History Museum) 8. aug. 2022
Evolution of marine invertebrates – 3. Cryptic species & taxonomy (Natural History Museum) 8. aug. 2022
Evolution of marine invertebrates – 2. Bioinformatics (Natural History Museum) 8. aug. 2022
Evolution of marine invertebrates – 1. Genomics (Natural History Museum) 8. aug. 2022
Immunofluorescence analysis of a novel autophagic process in rat hepatocytes 6. juli 2022
Investigating how niches evolve in microbial eukaryotes 5. juli 2022
Genomics of the lichen-inhabiting fungus Illiosporiopsis christiansenii (Hypocreales) 5. juli 2022
Exploring endophytic fungi in Equisetum 5. juli 2022
Mobilizing the power of eDNA metabarcoding to investigate Arctic aquatic community composition in Svalbard's fjords 5. juli 2022
Harnessing eDNA metabarcoding to investigate aquatic community composition and its seasonal changes in the Oslo fjord 5. juli 2022
Using tumor on-a-chip to develop novel cancer immunotherapy that enhances the recruitment of T cells into solid tumors 30. juni 2022
Investigating the role Rab GTPases and altered membrane trafficking in neurodevelopmental disorders 27. juni 2022
Implementation of SLIC-CAGE and ATAC-seq genome-wide assays to map active regulatory regions in breast cancer cell lines 23. juni 2022
Characterization of epigenetics inhibitors in combination with radiation or alpha emitters for prostate cancer treatment 9. juni 2022
Why so many birds and so few coelacanths? A meta-analysis of speciation and extinction rates 12. mai 2022