Comparative pangenomics across the fungal tree of life (Natural History Museum)


Genome sequencing projects choose particular genetic individuals to act as references to their whole species. In many species, however, gene content can vary drastically across different genetic individuals. Genes that are common to all individuals of a species are called core genes, while those genes that are present in only a fraction of individuals of the species are called accessory genes. Together, core and accessory for the pangenome

In organisms with sexual reproduction, the pangenome represents all the potential genetic combinations for the species and it should be considered an integral component of its genetic landscape that has seldom been explored. But this combinatorial property is essential to understand processes such as pathogen emergence, adaptation to new environments or reproductive isolation.

Previous studies suggest that there are significant differences in the properties of the pangenomes across different fungal groups. In this project, we aim to use publicly available genomic data to identify patterns in pangenome properties across the fungal tree of life and correlate said patterns with biological traits of these organisms.

The project:

In this project, you will perform bioinformatic and statistical analyses on genomic data for several fungal species. You will learn how to mine public databases, how to annotate genomes and how to conduct phylogenomic analyses. During the project you will help develop and implement different statistical analyses and visualize the data in a biological context. You will become a member of the ISOP research group and work under the supervision of postdoc Miguel Naranjo-Ortiz and PhD candidate Veerle van Widen. ISOP values a positive, dynamic, and collaborative working environment.


Publisert 30. juli 2024 15:10 - Sist endret 30. juli 2024 15:10


Omfang (studiepoeng)