Coastal plankton dynamics using imaging approaches

We offer two master’s projects that explore the environmental drivers of plankton diversity: one focusing on large-scale community patterns and one zooming in on specific taxa. The projects aim to shed light on coastal and near-shore dynamics, one of the most productive and dynamic regions of the ocean. Coastal areas are also impacted by anthropogenic activities, so it is necessary to build a baseline and understand the environmental factors driving the system.

In both projects, students will have the exciting opportunity to use cutting-edge technology, such as automated imaging devices (an underwater microscope and planktoscopes) and machine learning. Students can also make use of data from last year and can conduct simple laboratory experiments to test hypotheses inspired by the correlational data from the field.

These projects are a collaborative effort. We will plan the project details together, including the sampling regime, methods, and specific questions. The hands-on experience will equip the students with practical skills and allow them to develop critical thinking to become well-rounded marine ecologists. They will also gain solid knowledge of the plankton biodiversity in Norwegian waters. We offer a supportive learning environment where students will be part of a larger group working on different aspects of pelagic ecology.

Bildet kan inneholde: produkt, insekt, font, motetilbeh?r, fly.


Publisert 2. juli 2024 14:43 - Sist endret 2. juli 2024 14:46


Omfang (studiepoeng)