Nyheter og beskjeder fra IMK til studentene / Newsletter to IMK master students

Nettsiden "Nyhetsbrev" blir oppdatert hver mandag, og vi lagrer hvert nyhetsbrev i to uker p? denne siden.

The "Newsletter" website is updated every Monday, and we store each newsletter for two weeks on this page. Relevant information will be translated to English. Information that requires Norwegian proficiency will be in Norwegian only.


Bildet viser en tegning av en PC som mottar et brev

Nyhetsbrevet gir deg aktuelle nyheter, kommende arrangementer og nyttig informasjon, s? noter deg det som er aktuelt for deg.

Nyhetsbrevet 8. april // Newsletter 8 April

Save the date - kandidatmarkering / Graduation Ceremony 11. juni

Kandidatmarkeringen for masterstudenter p? HF-fakultetet blir 11. juni klokken 15-16:30 i aulaen i sentrum: 


P?meldingen er ikke ?pen enn?, men vi sier fra n?r det er mulig ? melde seg p?. 

Vi satser ogs? i ?r p? ? arrangere en liten intern masterkandidatseremoni p? IMK med litt snacks og noe godt ? drikke tidligere samme dag, s? kan de som ?nsker ? delta p? begge steder dra ned til sentrum i samlet flokk. 


Save the date - Graduation Ceremony 11 June
The Graduation Ceremony for master's students at the HF faculty will take place on 11 June at 15-16:30 in the auditorium in the city centre:


Registration is not open yet, but we will let you know when it is possible to sign up.

We are also aiming to arrange a small internal master's candidate ceremony at IMK with some snacks and something to drink earlier on the same day, so those who want to participate in both places can go down to the center in a group.

More information to come at a later stage. 

Program for Mock-up master's  defense

Don't miss out!

Invitasjon til fokusgruppe om masterprogrammene ved IMK

Vi ser etter noen avgangsstudenter som kan tenke seg ? delta i en fokusgruppe, som en del av IMK sin egenevaluering av masterprogrammene. Det blir sp?rsm?l, kaffe, snacks og mulighet til ? gi tilbakemelding til oss om hva du har likt med masterprogrammet ditt, og hvor du mener det er rom for forbedringer.

Deltagere mottar universalgavekort til en verdi av 500 kr som takk for innsatsen.

Invitasjonen gjelder masterstudenter i sitt 4. semester.

Hvis du kan tenke deg ? delta, send en epost til studieinfo@media.uio.no med emne "Fokusgruppe MA"


Invitation to focus group about the MA programmes at IMK

We are looking for a few graduating students to participate in a focus group, as part of IMKs self-evaluation of our MA programmes. There will be questions, coffee, snacks, and opportunity to give feedback on what you have liked about your programmes content and structure, and where you think there is room for improvement.

Participants will receive gift cards worth 500 kr as a thank you for taking part.

The invitation is for MA-students in their fourth semester.

If you would like to participate, please send an email to studieinfo@media.uio.no marked "Focus group MA".

Nyhetsbrevet 25. mars-1 april // Newsletter 25 mars-1 April

Bli med i X-IMK alumniforening!

?nsker du ? utvide nettverket ditt og samtidig f? relevant arbeidserfaring? X-IMK er en alumni som planlegger sosiale aktiviteter for studenter p? IMK og tidligere studenter. 

Vi s?ker flere frivillige til gruppen v?r! Hva f?r du ved ? v?re med? 

  • Relevant arbeidserfaring 
  • Blir supergod p? innholdsproduksjon i SoMe
  • Nettverk i arbeidslivet
  • Holder deg faglig oppdatert p? hva som skjer p? IMK og i arbeidslivet 
  • Sosialt, hyggelig og fin m?te ? holde kontakt med IMK, ogs? etter studiene 
  • Lite arbeid, mye sosialt

Interessert? Kontakt X-IMK p? Facebook!


欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@snytt fra IMK/Research news from IMK

IMK v/?yvind Ihlen og Rune Karlsen er med som prosjektpartner i prosjektet PREPSHIELD – ?Preparedness for society in health crises and disasters? som denne uken har f?tt tildelt EU Horizon-midler. Prosjektet koordineres av Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (Italia), med totalt 13 partnerinstitusjoner fra ulike sektorer i Italia, Norge, Nederland, Tyskland, Sveits, Frankrike, Hellas og Romania. 

Vi gratulerer!


Tim Vermeulen and Kim Wilkins published a dossier in Screen this week on Metamodern Pastiche. They also co-authored two essays in it: 


Metamodern pastiche Introduction: 



Genre pastiche and Community:  https://doi.org/10.1093/screen/hjae013


F?lstad, A., Araujo, T., Papadopoulos, S., Law, E. L. C., Luger, E., Goodwin, M., ... & Brandtzaeg, P. B. (Eds.). (2023, November). Chatbot Research and Design: 7th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2023, Oslo, Norway, November 22–23, 2023, Revised Selected Papers. In International Workshop on Chatbot Research and Design. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-54975-5

Presentasjoner og foredrag:

Nordens Dag 2024: Kunstig intelligens og demokrati. 

Paneldebatt med Karianne Tung (Digitaliseringsminister, AP), Nikolai Astrup (Stortingsrepresentant, H), Gry Hasselbalch (DataEthics.eu), Gard Steiro (VG) og Petter Bae Brandtz?g (UiO, IMK), Stortinget, Oslo.21.03.2024. /forskning/satsinger/demokrati/aktuelt/arrangementer/nordens-dag-2024-kunstig-intelligens-og-demokrati.html

Bilder: Stortinget | Flickr

 Petter Bae Brandtz?g: Kan KI redde de unge? Sterk og Klar fagseminar. Litteraturhuset, Oslo 19.03.2024 https://www.sterkogklar.no/kalender/fagseminaroslo

 Petter Bae Brandtz?g: Hvem skriver historien n?r KI-genererte ytringer overtar den offentlige samtalen? Humaniorafestivalen. Deichman Furuset bibliotek og aktivitetshus, Oslo. 18.03.2024 https://www.hf.uio.no/om/aktuelt/arrangementer/inn-i-historien/ki-genererte-ytringer-offentlige-samtalen.html


Helge R?nning skriver i Klassekampen om Holbergprisvinner Achille Mbembe: https://klassekampen.no/artikkel/2024-03-18/a-tenke-med-afrika-for-a-forsta-verden/CNYN

Petter Bae Brandtz?g: Kunstig intelligens: Venn og hjelper eller hyperkommersiell trussel?https://www.forskning.no/informasjonsteknologi-kunstig-intelligens-partner/kunstig-intelligens-venn-og-hjelper-eller-hyperkommersiell-trussel/2336007

Jessica Yarin Robinson was a field producer on this episode of NPR’s Planet Money, in which they discuss Rema 1000 and dynamic pricing: 


P?skequiz: Jessica makes an appearance in this episode shamelessly mocking which Norwegian delicacy?  

Nyhetsbrevet 18. mars // Newsletter 18 mars

Kommunikasjonsforeningen (student Oslo) inviterer til Fremtidssnakk

Kommunikasjonsforeningen Oslo studentlag vil invitere dere til en spennende kveld med fire ledende kommunikasjonsbyr?er!

Torsdag 11. april 17:30-20:30

Her kan du f? muligheten til ? h?re om hvordan det er ? jobbe med kommunikasjon i det daglige, hva ser byr?ene etter i sine fremtidige ansatte og i sine praktikanter, og mye mer!
Bli med oss for en kveld med nettverksbygging, inspirasjon og selvf?lgelig, GRATIS pizza! ?

Byr?ene vi f?r bes?k av:
1. First House
2. Geelmuyden Kise
3. Max Social
4. Trigger

Det blir mulighet til ? kj?pe drikke?
Bli med p? en spennende kveld med god mat, flotte samtaler, nettverksbygging og muligheten til ? l?re mer om kommunikasjon!
Eventet vil bli holdt i Galleriet p? Chauteau Neuf!

G? til Facebookevent

A reminder about the Oscar-debate and call for papers to Mock-Up Defense

Remember the Oscar-debate tonight at 18:00 av Vega - se registration and more info in last week's newsletter. 

or register here: https://www.vegascene.no/nyheter/oscar-debatt

Please join SAMMEN for their Mock-up defense. Great training! And please be one of the presenters: 


Dreading your defense in summer?.. We got you!

Present a part of your thesis in the safest environment ever — during our mock-up defense in April! What will happen on the day?

- present ONE chapter you like most,

- speak for no more than 10-15 minutes,

- get a chance for friendly feedback from our profs with no consequences whatsoever,

- help the 1st-year students to learn the ropes of thesis writing & defending.

...and there will be free food, of course!

Sign up via this link (NO need for abstract!)

See more in last week's newsletter!

欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@snytt fra IMK/Research news from IMK

Husk Humaniora-festivalen som l?per fram til 21. mars og har flere IMK-innslag p? programmet


Melanie Magin, Anders Olof Larsson, Eli Skogerb? and Hedvig T?nnesen: What makes the difference? Social media platforms and party characteristics as contextual factors for political parties’ use of populist political communication, Nordicom Review (45:S1): https://sciendo.com/article/10.2478/nor-2024-0007


Robinson, Jessica Yarin. (2024). American media, Scandinavian audiences: Contextual fragmentation and polarisation among Swedes and Norwegians engaging with American politics. Nordicom Review, (s1), 120-151. https://doi.org/10.2478/nor-2024-0010



Tim Vermeulen and Kim Wilkins delivered a paper titled Metamodern Pastiche and Community at SCMS in Boston.


Foredrag og presentasjoner:

Elisabeth Staksrud presenterte forskning om digital mobbing hos Utdanningsdirektoratets Digitale Fagdag for L?ringsmilj? for kommunene 14.03.


Petter Bae Brandtz?g: Invited talk. My AI Friend: The Future of Friendship and Social Relationships. 20th European Trend Day, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Zürich, Switzerland: https://gdi.ch/en/events/conferences/20th-european-trend-day/register


Eli Skogerb? innledet til paneldebatt: Sannhets- og forsoningskommisjonen – liten nyhetsverdi for norske medier?, 13. Mars i Pressens hus. https://medietidsskrift.no/nyheter/sapmi-i-mediene-vinner-eller-taper-sapmi-terreng-i-offentligheten-etter-sannhets-og-forsoningskommisjonen/


Cristina Archetti and Banafsheh Ranji (NTNU) presented

Innvandrersmitte/Immigrant-infection: A performance on news, immigration, belonging,” a 30-minute live performance based on the findings of a Medietilsynet-funded research project, on Friday 15 March.



Maria Fosheim Lund har skrevet en kronikk i Rushprint denne uken: "Tallene som taler, og tallene som forties" (https://rushprint.no/2024/03/tallene-som-taler-og-tallene-som-forties/)



The Council of Europe, Freedom of Expression and CDMSI Division has appointed Elisabeth Staksrud as one of six independent experts to provide the Committee of Ministers with a Draft Recommendation on online safety and empowerment of content creators and users. The work will be conducted from 2024 – 2025.


Det skjer:

Mandag 18. mars kl. 12.15-13.00 er det POLKOM-mandag – b?de fysisk i rom 435 p? IMK i 欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@sparken og her p? Zoom. Denne mandagen skal Melanie Magin presentere et working paper som skrives i 欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@ med Anders Olof Larsson, Eli Skogerb? og Hedvig T?nnesen: Tapestry of topics. Factors affecting the issue diversity of parties’ social media campaigns.

Nyhetsbrevet 11. mars // Newsletter 11 mars

Innvandrersmitte / Immigrant-infection: A performance on news, immigration, belonging

Dear Student,

 Would you be interested in seeing how a research project can be turned into a small theatre performance?

Cristina Archetti (IMK, UiO) and Banafsheh Ranji (NTNU) would like to warmly invite you to “Innvandrersmitte/Immigrant-infection: A performance on news, immigration, belonging,” a 30-minute live performance based on the findings of a Medietilsynet-funded research project they have conducted over the last year and a half (Friday 15 March, room 205, at 13.00).

 They are looking for a live audience to watch and provide some feedback. If you are busy but would like to attend, you are most welcome to stay only for the performance (about 30 min.) ?. For those who have more time or are interested, Cristina and Banafsheh will be more than happy, after the performance, to take questions, both about their study and about the process of collaborating with an artist to transform research into something living.

Here is more information

Invitation to an Oscar-debate

Diversity and inclusion at the 2024 Oscars. The future of the film industry and Norway's place in it. 

Is the Oscars’ newfound commitment to Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) the real deal or just another publicity stunt? What does it mean for the future of Hollywood — and how does Norway fit into this?

Join the Oscar-debatt at Vega Scene on March 18, 2024 to find out! Together with film and D&I experts, we are going to break down the results of the 96th Academy Awards — and see how they reflect (or not?) the current representation trends.

After the conversation, we invite you to a screening of OPPENHEIMER the winner of 2024 Best Picture.

Vega Scene, Nedre foaje, March 18, 18.00. The event is free, but registration is mandatory.

Read more here

Mock-up Defense: Foreplay to Mastery

The SAMMEN panel invites all master students: 

Attention all second-year IMK students gearing up for their thesis defense, and all first-years curious about what lies ahead! ?

Join us for the Mock-Up Defense! This is your golden opportunity to witness fellow IMK students present segments of their thesis, giving you a taste of what an actual defense feels like. And here's the cherry on top: FREE food will be served! ?

So save the date: April 12th. No classes on that day!

Go to Facebook event


Dreading your defense in summer?.. We got you!

Present a part of your thesis in the safest environment ever — during our mock-up defense in April! What will happen on the day?

- present ONE chapter you like most,

- speak for no more than 10-15 minutes,

- get a chance for friendly feedback from our profs with no consequences whatsoever,

- help the 1st-year students to learn the ropes of thesis writing & defending.

...and there will be free food, of course!

Sign up via this link (NO need for abstract!)

欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@snytt fra IMK/Research news from IMK

Foredrag og presentasjoner:

Charles Ess, professor emeritus, was invited to give the closing keynote lecture for the 25th annual meeting of the Dansk Filosofisk Selskab (Danish Philosophical Society) at Roskilde University, March 1-2, 2024. The lecture was titled “An (ethical) kybernetes (κυβερν?τη?) or just a Script Kiddie?
Reflections from A Post-digital Owl of Minerva.” An article drawing on the lecture will appear in the next Danish Yearbook of Philosophy.

 Petter Bae Brandtz?g: AI - Who Sets the Premises? Elkj?p, Nydalen, Oslo 04.03.2024

Petter Bae Brandtz?g: Kunstig intelligens og kunstig virkelighet. Rotaryklubb Athen?um, Gamle R?dhuset, Oslo 4. mars 2024

Petter Bae Brandtz?g: Vennskap med Kunstig Intelligens. ?pen dag. UiO, Oslo, 07.02.2023.

Jon Inge Faldalen: Hvordan er nakenhet morsomt? Om kropp i ny komedie. ?pen dag. UiO, Oslo, 07.02.2023.

Marika Lüders: Hvor er de unge i medielandskapet? ?pen dag. UiO, Oslo, 07.02.2023.

Petter Bae Brandtz?g: Innledning og paneldebatt: Kunstig intelligens p? guttas premisser? Realfagsbiblioteket, UiO Oslo. 08.03.2024  https://www.mn.uio.no/om/aktuelt/arrangementer/andre/kunstig-intelligens---hvem-setter-premissene.html 

I media:

Petter Bae Brandtz?g er intervjuet i sak om TikTok i Aftenposten 06.03 https://www.aftenposten.no/kultur/i/O8wMzl/hun-aapner-seg-om-det-vonde-ekteskapet-i-over-50-episoder


Gunn Enli har publisert innlegg p? LSE United States Politics and Policy om Trumps appell som autentisk: https://wp.me/p3I2YF-dE0

HF har ny publisert en ny forskningssak basert p? et intervju med Petter Brandtz?gKunstig intelligens: Venn og hjelper eller hyperkommersiell trussel?

Jessica Yarin Robinson wrote a post for the NordMedia Network on the best spots to sit and work when visiting Oslo: https://nordmedianetwork.org/latest/news/the-best-places-to-work-when-visiting-oslo-with-a-laptop/

UiO: Demokrati-forskningsgruppen Experiencing American Democracy: Nordic Encounters in Transnational Perspective (ExAm), hvor Terje Rasmussen deltar, utlyser en stipendiatstilling:

The announcement in English: 


Det skjer:

Mandag 11. mars kl. 12.15-13.00 er det POLKOM-mandag – b?de fysisk i rom 435 p? IMK i 欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@sparken og her p? Zoom. Paul Bjerke presenterer: Fra partist?tte til n?ringsst?tte – utfordringer for statens pressepolitikk 

Cristina Archetti and Banafsheh Ranji (NTNU) invite everyone to “Innvandrersmitte/Immigrant-infection: A performance on news, immigration, belonging,” a 30-minute live performance based on the findings of a Medietilsynet-funded research project, on Friday 15 March, room 205, at 13.00. (See email from Cristina on March 7).

Humaniora-festivalen l?per fra 7. til 21. mars og har flere IMK-innslag p? programmet

UHR-Humaniora og Det humanistiske fakultet ved Universitetet i Bergen, inviterer til konferanse om kunstig intelligens og humaniora 31. mai.  Petter Brandtz?g sitter i programkomiteen for konferansen og Taina Bucher er blant innlederne: https://www.uhr.no/nyheter/nyheter-fra-uhr/humaniora-moter-kunstig-intelligens.7396.aspx 


Nyhetsbrevet 4. mars // Newsletter 4 mars

Ny studentkommunikasjon p? IMK

IMK pr?ver ? n? ut med relevant informasjon og aktuelle arrangement p? nye m?ter. F?lg derfor @imk_student p? Instagram, og bli medlem av Facebook-gruppa "Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon, UiO", for ? holde deg oppdatert p? hva som skjer p? og rundt instituttet.

Send gjerne inn tips om aktuelle arrangementer p? direktemelding til kontoene.


New student communication at IMK
IMK tries to reach out with relevant information and current events in new ways. Therefore, follow @imk_student p? Instagram, and become member of the Facebook-group "Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon, UiO", to keep up to date with what is happening in and around the department.

Feel free to send in tips about current events via direct message to the accounts.

Invitation to an event with the Human Rights Foundation

The Human Rights Foundation is now working on creating a series of events on freedom of expression, communication and journalism.

They would like to invite you to the event:

Defying Despair: Constructive Journalism's Bold Stand Against Pessimistic Headlines - Navigating the delicate balance between news value and impact.

The evet is free.

Four renowned journalists come together to forge a toolbox for hope. 


Jack Hewson, award-winning foreign correspondent for PBS Newshour based in Kenya

Intisaar Ali, news journalist at VG

Ingrid Tinmannsvik, constructive news editor at NRK 

Kyrre Lien, foreign affairs journalist at VG 

Moderated by Elisha Maldonado, director of communications at the Human Rights Foundation 



Duration: 90 mins

Sign up by emailing julia.ferraresi@hrf.org by the 4th of March 

Invitations to screenings by filmmaker David Novack

Novack is a professor of sound theory for film, and a documentary filmmaker. He is based in Lisbon at Universidade Lusófona, and an active professor and researcher in the European University, FilmEU.

He wants to invite students from IMK to two screenings, taking place in Oslo: 

"On the weekend, March 9/10 at the HUMAN film festival, we will have two showing of my new documentary film All Static & Noise about the Uyghur crisis in Western China.  Saturday will have a screening and Q&A.  Sunday will have much more programming including a short film, then a panel discussion, the my film and then a Q&A and outside the theater will be a VR exhibit depicting the inside of a re-education camp as described by eyewitness testimony.  Here is a link to the events: https://vp.eventival.com/humanfilm/2024/film/980369

On campus on Monday March 11, at 18:00, the UiO department of literature, area studies and European Languages is sponsoring a screening of my previous film, Finding Babel, about Soviet writer Isaac Babel who was executed by Stalin. The film today is being framed in the current war between Russia and Ukraine. Again, I would love to have film and communications people in the audience and especially for the Q&A. Here is a link to that event; https://www.hf.uio.no/ilos/forskning/senter-slavisk-osteuropa/arrangementer/2024/filmvisning---finding-babel-mote-med-regissoren-da.html "

欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@snytt fra IMK/Research news from IMK


V?ger? O, Br?te A, Wittemann A, Robinson, Jessica Yarin, Zeyringer M, Sirotko-Sibirskaya N. Machine learning of public sentiments towards wind energy in Norway. Wind Energy. 2024; 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1002/we.2902 

Presentasjoner og foredrag

Kjetil R?dje holdt presentasjonen “Kultur for studentmedvirkning og relevante l?ringsopplevelser” p? Fakultetsdag om kvalitetsutvikling og kvalitetskultur, ved Fakultet for kunstfag, Universitet i Agder, 1. mars. 

Det skjer:

Mandag 4. mars kl. 12.15-13.00 er det POLKOM-mandag – b?de fysisk i rom 435 p? IMK i 欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@sparken og her p? Zoom.

Denne mandagen skal Roy Aulie Jacobsen presentere: Messaging strategies among politicians: A longitudinal analysis of message strategies on social media in Norway


Media Aesthetics Workshop on March 8th, 13:15-15:00 at Glassburet IMK.

This time Anis Pervez is going to share a paper in progress that proposes a methodology for the theory information as form that he developed and published in 2009. The theory can be accessed at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325618303_Information_as_Form


Humaniora-festivalen l?per fra 7. til 21. mars og har flere IMK-innslag p? programmet


MN-fakultetet holder 8. mars arrangement om kunstig intelligens i et kj?nnsperspektiv og har Petter Bae Brandtz?g som en av foredragsholderne. Link til arrangementet: Kunstig intelligens - hvem setter premissene? - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet (uio.no) Tid: 12.30-14.30. Sted: Realfagsbiblioteket


UHR-Humaniora og Det humanistiske fakultet ved Universitetet i Bergen, inviterer til konferanse om kunstig intelligens og humaniora 31. mai.  Petter Brandtz?g sitter i programkomiteen for konferansen og Taina Bucher  er blant innlederne: https://www.uhr.no/nyheter/nyheter-fra-uhr/humaniora-moter-kunstig-intelligens.7396.aspx 

Publisert 20. okt. 2020 13:09 - Sist endret 5. apr. 2024 15:19