UiO-PRIO Student Programme

Since 2016, the University of Oslo (UiO) and The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) have been engaged in a strategic partnership. As a vital part of this collaborative relationship, up to ten UiO master's students each year are offered a place in the vibrant, international and interdisciplinary research environment on peace and conflict at PRIO.

UiO master’s students can now apply through the UiO-PRIO Student Programme for a placement at PRIO while they write their thesis. PRIO are currently accepting applications for students wishing to begin their placement in spring 2021. The application deadline is 2nd November 2020. 

To be considered for this programme, your thesis topic must be thematically related to one of PRIOs ongoing research projects or relevant to the strategic interests of our individual researchers or groups. You should be in the second year of your master’s during your time at PRIO.

More information about the programme and the application process can be found here. 


Publisert 1. sep. 2020 09:23 - Sist endret 12. juni 2024 13:08