Boklansering: Karen O'Brien - "Climate and Society: Transforming the Future"

Vi ?nsker ? invitere alle samfunnsgeografistudenter til boklansering av boka  "Climate and Society: Transforming the Future", skrevet av v?r egen Karen O'Brien sammen med Robin Leichenko. 

Tid: Torsdag 5. september, 17:30 - 19:00

Sted: Gymsalen, p? Sentralen, ?vre Slottsgate 3.

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Om boken:

Climate and Society: Transforming the Future", published by Polity Books, explores the environmental, political, economic, and cultural aspects of climate change, and points to the need for broader and deeper approaches to climate change solutions. By demonstrating that climate change is both a critical social challenge and a pivotal opportunity for transformative change, the book gives readers a sense of hope and agency, showing that people matter and can make a difference in generating transformations to an equitable and sustainable future.

More about the book here:

Publisert 28. aug. 2019 14:17 - Sist endret 28. aug. 2019 14:17