Endring i Feide OIDC endepunkt (Dataporten)

Sikt endrer p? nokre av endepunkta som brukast i OIDC. Dette trer i kraft 9. desember, og gamal funksjonalitet vil forsvinne 6 m?nadar etter.

Melding fr? Sikt

The described changes will be deployed to production on Friday 09.12.22 at 13:00


As part of our work to bring claims produced by openid/userinfo more in line with the claims contained in the ID token, custom claims not defined in the OpenID Connect standard will be prefixed with "https://n.feide.no/claims/". This will make custom claims better citizens in the ecosystem.

  • Claim “email_verified” will be set to false since Feide does not really verify email addresses in the user directories as such.
  • Claim “connect-userid_sec” is now marked as deprecated and will be phased out within 6 months.
  • Claim “dataporten-userid_sec” is now marked as deprecated, but the claim will not be phased out in the near future.
  • Claim "https://n.feide.no/claims/userid_sec" is added, and will replace the now deprecated “dataporten-userid_sec” in the future.
  • Introduction of new claim "https://n.feide.no/claims/eduPersonPrincipalName" that contains eduPersonPrincipalName(Full Feide name) for valid Feide users.
  • Introduction of new claim "https://n.feide.no/claims/nin" that contains the Norwegian national identity number (f?dselsnummer) for users who logged in with ID-porten.


This endpoint was implemented before OpenID Connect was standardized, and will be phased out within 6 months. Applications still using this endpoint should migrate to OpenID Connect /openid/userinfo as soon as possible.


If you have any questions about the changes described above, please contact us at: kontakt@sikt.no.

Best regards,

Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publisert 28. nov. 2022 09:59 - Sist endret 28. nov. 2022 09:59