Testable [F]

Testable er en tjeneste for ? gj?re eksperimenter der man m?ler bl.a. reaksjonstiden til deltakere. Testable har ogs? en egen deltaker-pool, som gj?r at forsker ikke selv trenger ? rekruttere deltakere om de ikke ?nsker ? bruke tid p? det. 

Bildet kan inneholde: bl?.


Godkjent og kun tilgjengelig p? UV/ISP per 15. des. 2022: ISP betaler for lisensen og har inng?tt avtalen p? instituttniv?. Hvis andre enheter ?nsker ? kj?pe egne lisenser, kan de bruke ISP sin avtale som basis, men de m? inng? en egen avtale.

Beskrivelse av tjenesten




Testable holder til i Romania og f?lger GDPR. 

Kontaktperson hos Testable: Octavian Maxim

Korrespondanse med tilbyder

1) Unique benefits of a departmental license, costs and users:
With a departmental license you unlock:
  • Unlimited data collection credits
  • Unlimited storage
  • Reduced Testable Minds participant recruitment commission 20% (30%)
  • Full project collaboration (unavailable on basic and individual accounts 1st of September)
  • Priority technical support
There are other add-ons that are available for our licenses such as access to our teaching module Testable Class or our environment for multiplayer social experiments Testable Arena. 
The license is applied to all accounts that you wish to grant access to within your department up to a maximum number. The maximum number (and price of the license) will depend on how many users you expect to have, but most our departments have a license for 100 users. 
The price will depend on the size of your department and the research needs to you expect to have, but to give you a ballpark, we are looking at around 5k-8k USD per year for 50-100 users, depending on the options you choose. 
Admin account
You can define any number of admins who will gain access to an admin panel, where you can monitor usage, license access for your users and the license policy. 
Publisert 15. des. 2022 16:17 - Sist endret 15. des. 2022 16:17