dScience: BRAIN TALK #5

Join us for the fifth dScience Brain Talk webinar with guest speaker Valter Uotila.

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The Brain Talk webinar is an online platform that gives the opportunity to scientists, researchers and early-stage researchers to present, discuss and share their brilliant ideas on Machine Learning (ML) and Computational Science. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and achieve their full potential. To that goal, innovative ideas are shared here.


SQL Query Classification with A Quantum Natural Language Processing Approach, Valter Uotila

This work proposes a quantum natural language processing-inspired approach for classifying SQL queries based on their execution times and cardinalities. Using parameterized quantum circuits and an iterative method for their optimization, we estimate query metrics by executing optimized circuits on a quantum computer or simulating them. Our results achieve comparable accuracy to previous research in quantum natural language processing, suggesting the potential of this approach in applications beyond quantum natural language processing. We also analyze the model's expressibility and entangling capability histograms for further insights.

Valter Uotila is currently in his second year of pursuing a PhD in computer science at the University of Helsinki. His research focuses on exploring the potential of quantum computing in data management and database optimization. He is also interested in applying category theory to establish a link between quantum computing and databases. To date, he has published several papers, including studies on the application of category theory to multi-model databases. In one of his recent papers, he identifies several database issues that can be resolved using quantum computing techniques.

This webinar series for dScience is produced and organized by The Brain Talk team:

See the webinar here:

Tags: machine learning, Data science
Published Mar. 13, 2023 3:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 13, 2023 9:08 AM