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Oslo Life Science 2018 – pictures and videos out now

Thanks to all who attended Oslo Life Science – Investing in health and environment – 12–15 February 2018. See pictures and watch videos from the events. We hope to see all of you again at Oslo Life Science 2019. 

Kick-off UiO?s new innovation programme SPARK Norway
– watch videos

Main event investing in health and environment
– watch videos

Young talents – career opportunities beyond academia
– watch videos

Sustainable food – for our health and environment
– watch videos

Convergence in medicine
– watch videos

Partnership for life 2018 – see pictures

Bioteknologidagen 2018 – watch video

More about Oslo Life Science 2018 and UiO:Life Science

  • Conference start page.
  • Main organizer: UiO:Life Science
    Co-organizers in 2018: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Oslo University Hospital (OUS), the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI), the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) at UiO and the City of Oslo.
    Sponsor in 2018: The Research Council of Norway.
  • UiO:Life Science is the largest priority area in the history of the University of Oslo. With the Oslo Life Science Conference, the university wants to create a meeting place for researchers, students, government officials, the business community and politicians who share the visions for Oslo Life Science City.


Logos organizers   

Published Feb. 28, 2018 2:08 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2023 10:54 PM