Hiring guest lecturers

If you would like to use a guest lecturer contact Financial Officer Harald B. Magnussen (haralbm@iss.uio.nobefore you make any arrangements.

Before hiring guest lecturers please read attentively the information below.

The procedures outlined here must be followed to ensure that we are able to pay an honorarium to the guest lecturers invited to the ISS. When a course has a guest lecturer, the course leader will be credited with a “presence” honorarium. These are hours with a lower wage rate than normal lectures, and are meant to cover the duty of being present when the guest lecture takes place.

There is an allotted budget for the Master's courses. Course leaders will be able to get funds from this budget by submitting a request to the Financial Officer. The budget is limited and therefore the request for funds must be done in advance, before any guest lecturers are hired.

The following procedure must be followed in order to be able to hire guest lecturers:

  1. You contact the Financial Officer with a request for a given number of guest lecture hours.
  2. When approval is given, you can hire guest lecturers within the allotted budget hours.
  3. A complete list of guest lecturers and their number of lecture hours must be submitted to the ISS by June 1 at the latest.

The Financial Officer will set up an appropriate honorarium method for each lecturer.

  • Method 1: Salary
    External lecturers will get a digital assignment contract. In order to establish the employment contract, we need to know the e-mail address and mobile phone number of the lecturer. We will then send them a questionnaire and information letter. Lecturers without a Norwegian tax card will be deducted 50 % in tax.
  • Method 2: UiO employees ("Frikj?p")
    Employees at the University of Oslo will not receive a separate employment contract for assignments at the International Summer School. Instead, ISS will transfer money to the employee’s institute and the honorarium will be paid either as overtime pay or extra hours approved in the employee’s work schedule.

Find out more about the Norwegian tax deduction card

Published Oct. 7, 2016 10:40 PM - Last modified Mar. 10, 2023 10:15 AM