Student life

  • IT services
    • Learn about the IT services available to UiO students.
  • Libraries
    • The University of Oslo has 19 different libraries.
  • Health services
    • Need to see a doctor, health services at the University.
  • Public transit

    • There is public transit from R?nningen housing til Blindern campus. The public transit system in Oslo is clean, efficient and easy to use. 

  • Sports

    • Find out more about the sports facilities during the summer semester.

  • About staying in Norway

    • Practical information about clothing and electronics for your packing list.


Students are responsible for securing their own accommodations for summer 2024. Below are some search engines used to look for placed to stay in Norway:

Facilities on Campus

Bookstore, pharmacy, grocery store, post office, hair salon and more.

Events at the Summer School

3:00 PM, entrance of Norsk Folkemuseum
1:00 PM, The bus stop "Arendalsgata"
2:30 PM, Oslo Town Hall (Fridtjof Nansens plass/outside in front of the main entrance)
7:00 PM, Union café, 2nd floor, Frederikke building