Summer workshop: Alternative Career Paths

RITMO invites all members of the centre's Career Development Program for a half-day Zoom workshop on alternative career paths.

Welcome to the fourth workshop in the Career Development Programme! The theme for this workshop is alternative career paths, and we are very lucky to have five presentations from former PhDs and postdocs coming to speak with us about how their careers inside and outside academia developed. What skills do we develop in academic settings that are relevant when applying for jobs outside of academia, and how can we adapt our CVs?


1300-1305 Welcome
1305-1320 Breakout rooms:
Brainstorming on relevant workplaces outside of academia

  • What do you envision as relevant workplaces outside of academia for you?
  •  Are there less obvious workplaces that could be relevant?

1320-1415 10 min presentations from former PhDs or postdocs:

  • Tejaswinee Kelkar
  • Birgitte Sandve
  • Simon H?ffding (on a prerecorded video)
  • Victor Gonzalez
  • ?ke Elden

1415-1430 Break
1430-1500 Panel discussion with Q&A
1500-1515 Breakout rooms:
Brainstorming on CV-building and transferable skills

  • What would be a strategic way of strengthening you CV?
  •  How can the way that your CV is set up make you more attractive to various employers?

1515-1530 Plenary discussion

Published May 11, 2021 12:46 PM - Last modified May 25, 2021 12:13 PM