Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Eye Tracking and Motion Capture of rhythm-related behavior

Here you can find up-to date public information on the status of the appointment process.


  • 01.10.2018 Announcement
  • 15.03.2019 Application deadline 
  • 05.04.2019 Interviews
  • 02.05.2019 RITMO's Steering Committee meeting
  • 27.05.2019 Appointment Committee of the Faculty of Humanities meeting (N.B. New (N.B. New date)
  • 01.09.2019 Position available from

Number of applicants: 39

Evaluation Committee

  1. Associate professor Alexander Refsum Jensenius , University of Oslo (administrator)
  2. Professor Bruno Laeng, University of Oslo
  3. Associate professor Jonna Katariina Vuoskoski, University of Oslo


  1. The Evaluation Committee will write an advisory evaluation report based on the applications, interviews and reference interviews. The report will list at least three applicants in the order which they should be taken into consideration by RITMO's Steering Committee.
  2. Based on the Evaluation Committees report, RITMOs' Steering Committee will recommend at least three competent applicants in ranked order to the Appointment Committee of the Faculty of Humanities.
  3. Final decision in the hiring process will be passed by the Appointment Committee of the Faculty of Humanities.

The evaluation committee's assessment is not open to public viewing, neither is the recommendation of the Steering Committee to the Appointment Committee of the Faculty.

Minutes from the meetings of the Steering Committee and the Appointment Committee are open to public viewing and are published on the web pages of RITMO and the Faculty respectively.

Published Jan. 4, 2019 10:02 AM - Last modified Apr. 13, 2023 10:49 AM