Mike McCormick

Improvising with an Algorithm: A Performer's Perspective


Thematic Session 4: Creativity and Expressivity (Tuesday, 11:05)


In October 2018, I was invited by improvising vocalist Mascha Corman to play a duo concert with her in Switzerland, though she knew very well I was scheduled to be in Canada at the time. She suggested performing with an “automated” version of my improvising electronics in an effort to explore the performative possibilities that lie between solo and duo settings. My response was to create the EIDOLON, an interactive improvising algorithm that analyses Mascha’s performance in real-time and thereafter makes decisions that inform the synthesized sounds and transformations of her voice.

Aware of my ongoing work with Mascha and the EIDOLON, the improvising group ?Meat.Karaoke.Quality.Time? approached me in 2021 about building a similar autonomous improvising algorithm for their trio, and I traveled to Germany in 2022 to workshop a new system with them.

Throughout the development process of these two projects, I have maintained a close dialogue with the performers about how they experience improvising with autonomous agents, and together we have tested several iterations of the respective algorithms to explore how much or little their experience can resemble improvising with human performers. This presentation will briefly discuss their impressions and reflections upon experiences in rehearsals, during development, and in performance.


Mike McCormick (he/him) is a Canadian artist and programmer based in Oslo. His tailor-made algorithms and computer programs are the driving force behind the experimental metal band YAWN, the AI- enhanced improvisation duo ternOP, and in his collaboration with choreographer Lisa Collette Bysheim. In 2019 he completed a Master’s degree in Music Performance Technology at the Norwegian Music Academy under Natasha Barrett and Eirik Arthur Blekesaune.

Published Oct. 22, 2022 7:39 PM - Last modified Oct. 22, 2022 7:39 PM