Sarah Fdili Alaoui

Embodied Interaction in Dance: methods, creations, and critical reflections


Keynote (Monday, 12:15)


Salen, ZEB building (map)


In this talk, I trace the various approaches that I have followed in designing embodied interactions in dance.

I describe how I apply first person methodologies including research through practice, user-centred design and ethnographic and phenomenological methods in order to design technologies that support creating, learning, performing and archiving dance. I describe several artworks and interactive systems that I developed in which I focus on dance vocabularies including that of Rudolf Laban’s Movement Analysis, vocabularies that are idiosyncratic to choreographers that I collaborated with and those emerging from my own research-creation endeavours.

I present how I choreograph dance pieces that integrate embodied interactive technologies in order to provoke critical questions. While providing poetic experiences, my artworks enact experimental situations that enable critical reflection on issues around how art can contribute to knowledge or around how humans co-exist with each other and with technologies.



Sarah Fdili Alaoui am an associate professor at LISN-Université Paris Saclay and Ex)Situ INRIA research team in interaction design, human computer Interaction and dance. She is a choreographer, a dancer and a Laban Movement Analyst. Before her current position, she was a researcher at the School of Interactive Arts+Technology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, within the MovingStories project. She holds a PhD in Art and Science from University Paris-Sud 11 and the IRCAM-Centre Pompidou and LIMSI-CNRS research institutes. She has a MSc from University Joseph Fourier and an Engineering Degree from ENSIMAG in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and about 30 years of training in ballet and contemporary dance. Sarah is interested in intersecting research in interaction design with dance making and choreography. She has been involved in many art and science projects, collaborating with dancers, visual artists, computer scientists and designers to create interactive dance performances, interactive installations, as well as systems for supporting choreography and dance learning and documentation.

Published Oct. 22, 2022 7:39 PM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2022 10:42 PM