Steve Symons

An example of real-time Granger Causality analysis within an Entangled Instrument

Image may contain: Forehead, Cheek, Glasses, Vision care, Smile.


Monday Demo session


I am researching how to design and compose entangled instruments; shared musical worlds that require high levels of co-dependant embodied action between participants.

Entangled Instruments are inherently enactive, embodied and extended. They are a class of multi-person participatory music environments, based on the physical experience of closely coupled intra-personal real-world relationships. Musiking emerges through engaging with a co-player’s actions rather than solely by individualistic music production.

One goal of the project is to develop embodied AI systems that can equally participate alongside human players. One key hurdle on this journey is finding a suitable system for the on-going evaluation of participatory action.

My presentation will be based around the hands-on experiencing of entangled instruments while supervised by myself. Alongside this I will also demonstrate a system of evaluating the intra-actions, between the two participants acting within the system, using real-time Granger Causality.

There is a 2 minute introduction to Entangled Instruments here.


I make interactive sound systems and instruments that I improvise with or exhibit for the public to play. I'm currently a music technology doctoral researcher at the Leverhulme Trust funded be.AI Centre (University of Sussex, Brighton, UK). My research explores enactive metaphors for collaborative musical instruments that enhance intra-dependant actions between human and non-human agents.

Published Nov. 8, 2022 2:25 PM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2022 3:38 PM